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“I’m more than willing to listen—”

He cut her off. “There are some things that I am not willing to discuss with you.” His words were curt.

Emmeline retrieved her book. “As you wish,” she muttered.

Oliver felt like a cad, but there was a side of him that he could never reveal to Emmeline, no matter how much he wanted to confide in her.

Chapter Six

Emmeline did notfeel any different, despite now being a married woman. She snuck a glance at her husband as he rested his eyes, and she found herself only feeling immense relief. She knew that she had made the right choice between marrying Oliver over the duke. It was not a love match, but at least they were on friendly terms.

Her aunt and uncle may never understand her decision to not become a duchess, but that didn’t really matter now. She had made her choice, and there was no going back on it. She started fingering the gold band on her left hand. Her fate had been sealed the moment she stood in front of the anvil priest.

Her eyes shifted towards the green countryside outside the window. How she wished she could ride her horse through the fields, her hair blowing behind her. Would Oliver insist that she be accompanied by two footmen as the duke had ordered? She truly hoped she hadn’t gone from one gilded cage to another.

Oliver’s voice broke through her musings. “Any regrets?”

She met his gaze and replied, “Not at the moment.”

He smiled. “That is good to hear.”

“Do you have any regrets?”


She returned his smile. “I am happy to hear that.”

Oliver adjusted his white cravat. “I must admit I will be relieved to finally be out of this coach,” he said.

“When will we arrive back in Town?”

“It shouldn’t be much longer.”

“That is a relief,” she murmured.

Oliver chuckled. “The good news is that your uncle didn’t arrive in time to stop the wedding.”

“I doubt he even bothered to travel to Gretna Green.”


Emmeline shook her head. “My lady’s maid wasn’t going to inform them of my departure until after breakfast, and I’m sure my uncle would have realized a trip to Gretna Green would have been in vain.”

“Did you leave a note?”

“I did,” she replied. “It wasn’t long, but it informed them that I chose to elope with you rather than marry the duke.”

“Are you sure you don’t have the slightest regret at not being a duchess?”

“None,” she said honestly. “I never aspired for such a lofty title.”

“That is a rarity amongst theton.”

“I suppose so.”

Oliver appeared to be deucedly uncomfortable as he adjusted the lapels of his blue jacket.

“I can’t help but notice that you would seem more comfortable if you removed your jacket,” Emmeline suggested.
