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Taking a deep breath, she found courage deep within her as she admitted, “Nothing but the pleasure of your company.”

“That is kind of you to say.”

A tall, dark-haired rider pulled up next to them and said, “Well, if it isn’t Lord and Lady Oliver out for a carriage ride during the fashionable hour.”

“What are you doing riding in Hyde Park at this time?” Oliver asked.

“What else but admiring the ladies?” the man replied, turning his attention towards her. “Although, they pale in comparison to your wife’s beauty.”

Oliver adjusted the reins in his hand. “Emmeline,” he started, “allow me to introduce you to my friend, Mr. Philip Booth.”

Mr. Booth gave her a charming smile. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“Likewise, Mr. Booth,” she replied politely.

“I am going to White’s for supper,” Booth said. “Would you care to join me?”

Oliver shook his head. “Not today. I intend to have supper with my wife and family.”

“Are you still attending the meeting this evening?”

“I am.”

Booth tipped his head. “I wish you luck, then.”

“No luck is needed.”

A wry grin came to Booth’s lips as his eyes shifted towards the carriage in front of them. “If you will excuse me, I need to go speak to Lady Teresa.”

As Booth rode off, Emmeline shifted in her seat to face her husband. “Why did Mr. Booth wish you luck for your meeting?”

“Because he is an idiot.” Oliver smiled.

“I see,” she replied, even though she didn’t see at all.

“You need not worry about me this evening,” he said. “I shall return after my meeting and, tomorrow, we will go visit your father’s solicitor.”

“I would appreciate that.”

Oliver reached over and placed his hand over hers. “Our destinies are intertwined now, and I will strive to be a good husband to you.”

Emmeline brought a smile to her lips. “That pleases me.”

He removed his hand from hers, and she immediately missed the loss of contact. What is becoming of me, she thought. She needed to quell her feelings for her husband before they started to deepen.

Oliver stared outthe window of the darkened coach as his thoughts constantly turned back towards Emmeline. His wife. He liked the sound of that. She was an undeniable beauty, but it was how her eyes sparkled when she spoke about something that she loved that drew him in. She was kind, considerate, and beautiful, deep down to her soul.

If he was going to be saddled with a bride, he was glad that he’d chosen Emmeline.

His musings were interrupted by his friend asking, “Did you hear me, mate?”

He turned his attention towards Follett. “No.”

“Pray tell, what were you thinking about?”

“Nothing in particular.”
