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“As will my father,” Haskett agreed. “Most likely, he will cut my allowance.”

Oliver let out a disbelieving huff. “I would be more concerned about how we are going to be spending a very uncomfortable evening in jail.”

“But won’t they release us once they find out who we are?” Haskett asked naïvely.

“I highly doubt it,” Oliver replied. “Bow Street Runners are merciless.”

“Blazes!” Haskett exclaimed.

Leaning his back against the rail, Oliver let out a sigh. He had no doubt that Corbyn would get him released from jail, but he knew it wouldn’t be until early tomorrow—which meant that he would be forced to break his promise to Emmeline.

Blasted Runners, Oliver thought again as he crossed his arms over his chest. He couldn’t believe he’d walked right into a trap.

Chapter Ten

Dressed in aprimrose muslin gown, Emmeline paced the entry hall as she waited for Oliver to step through the main door. He had promised that he would accompany her to her father’s solicitor, but he still hadn’t arrived home. She felt like such a fool. She had naïvely taken him at his word. Did the man have no shame when it came to lying to her? And why would he treat her so unfairly on her birthday?

But heaven help her, she still wanted to believe him. She wished he would come home and spend the entire morning with her. What was wrong with her?

“He isn’t coming, you know,” Jane’s voice said from behind her.

Glancing over at the long clock in the corner of the hall, Emmeline responded, “He could still arrive.”

“I don’t know why you have any faith in my brother,” Jane remarked. “He lost my trust long ago.”

Emmeline stopped pacing and turned to face her friend. “I truly thought he would be here.”

“The only thing that is consistent with my brother is that he is a grand disappointment to me,” Jane shared. “Would you care for me to join you for your visit to your father’s solicitor?”

“That won’t be necessary; I just asked Pratt to inform my lady’s maid that she is to accompany me.”

Frowning, Jane said, “You are too good for the likes of my brother.”

“He saved me from marrying the duke.”

“But what kind of life is he giving you?”

“This is only a—”

“I know what you are going to say,” Jane interrupted. “That it is not a true marriage, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a bit of respect.”

Emmeline let out a sigh. “You are right, of course.”

“You will observe that I am rarely wrong,” Jane joked.

Taking a step closer to her friend, Emmeline lowered her voice and asked, “But what can I do? Oliver is my husband.”

Eyeing her closely, Jane remarked, “I have never seen you this despondent.”

“I just can’t help but wonder if Oliver is being faithful as he promised, or if he is lying about that, as well,” Emmeline admitted.

Jane gave her a weak smile, then said, “I wouldn’t trust my brother farther than you can throw him.”

“That wouldn’t be very far.”

“Exactly my point.”

The sound of the butler’s heels on the marble floor caused them to stop speaking and turn their attention towards him.
