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Standing in the doorway, Mrs. Winters nodded in approval. “During the day, the windows in this room allow plenty of light,” she shared. “Would you care to see the dining room now?”

“I would,” she replied, walking towards the door.

“The main level holds a drawing room, dining room, library, study, and a morning room,” Mrs. Winters explained as she stepped back. “The upper level has an additional drawing room and six bedchambers.”

“There is a library?” Emmeline asked eagerly.

“Yes, milady,” Mrs. Winters replied as she led her down a narrow hall. “It is next to the study, and I must admit that it is your uncle’s favorite room, as well.”

“It is?”

Speaking over her shoulder, Mrs. Winters informed her, “He spends most of the time in the library when he comes to visit with Lady Taylor.”

“How often does my uncle visit Lockhart Manor?”

“Every few months or so,” Mrs. Winters replied, “but he doesn’t always bring Lady Taylor with him.”

Her steps faltered. “Truly?”

Mrs. Winters looked back at her in surprise. “Is there an issue with Lord Taylor visiting Lockhart Manor?”

“I suppose not,” she muttered.

“Frankly, we were all rather surprised to discover that you had inherited the estate,” Mrs. Winters shared as she came to a stop in front of an open door. “We had just assumed Lord Taylor held ownership of the property.”

“I only recently learned that I had inherited the manor,” she admitted.

“Well, it is a fine property,” Mrs. Winters said with a smile, “but I may be a bit biased.” She gestured towards the door. “Here is the dining room.”

Emmeline glanced into the room and admired the red-papered walls and the gold chandelier hanging over the center of a large rectangular table.

“The next door is the library,” Mrs. Winters revealed, “and I am pleased to inform you that there are many first edition books in your collection.”

“How wonderful.”

After they had toured the remainder of the main level, they walked up the stairs to the upper level. They walked a short distance and Mrs. Winters pointed at a door. “That is your bedchamber,” she revealed as she moved to open it.

Emmeline stepped inside and noticed how feminine the room was. It had pale purple walls, ivory drapes flowing in the gentle breeze from the open window, and floral upholstered chairs in front of the fireplace. A large, four-poster bed sat against the far wall, and her traveling trunks were next to the dressing table.

“This is lovely,” she acknowledged.

Mrs. Winters lit a candle on the dressing table before she walked over to a door near the fireplace. “Through here is your husband’s bedchamber,” she said, opening the door. “Would you care to see if it meets your approval?”

“That won’t be necessary,” Emmeline replied. “I trust Lord Oliver will inform me if there is an issue with his bedchamber.”

“As you wish.” Mrs. Winters closed the door. “Will Lord Oliver be joining you during your visit?”

“No, he will not,” she replied. “I came to tour the property on my own.”

“Very good, milady.”

A knock came at the door, drawing her attention.

“Come in,” Emmeline ordered.

The door opened and Mary stepped in the room with a valise in her hand. “I see that I found your bedchamber.”

“That you did,” Emmeline said.
