Page 11 of Ivory

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"You're staring," Jake said.

I blinked. "What? Oh." Alastair Dagen could have burnt the whole place down and I wouldn't have noticed. "That guy is Silas Wheeler's nephew?" He definitely didn't get his looks from his uncle.

I tried to remind the inner, panting orgasm-maker that was connected to my suddenly very hungry pussy, that Cooper was little more than a kid. Eight or nine years younger than me. The age gap was about the same as it was between Jake and I, but Cooper was probably innocent. And I certainly wasn't. He certainly fucking wouldn’t be when I was done with him.

"Should I write a blank cheque right now?" Jake asked teasingly.

I realised I hadn't looked away from Cooper. Worse than that, I actually smiled back at him. Yeah, apparently the ice queen cracks for a pretty face and hot body.

"I mean, someone has to help him out of debt." Was I actually blushing?Fucking hells, I told myself.Pull yourself together, woman. I was unable to look at a trinket and walk away without buying it, and this guy was more than a trinket. He was a tasty-ass snack straight from the oven.

I swallowed hard.

I just wanted to help the kid. Wehadkilled his uncle. And if Silas was in trouble with the Onyx Ridge pack, then this was the best way to get Cooper out of the hands of an asshole like Alistair Dagen.

At least, that's what I told myself.

"Your wish is my command," Jake said softly. "Any others up there you want?"

There were others up there? Oh yeah, ten of them. I forgot they existed for a few moments there. They all paled in comparison to Cooper.

"No, you?" I asked. Most of the virgins were girls. All of them were pretty, with perfect, lush bodies and soft curves. If Jake wanted to take one of them home, I would support that. I would hate her and want to scratch her eyes out, but I would do nothing to stop him. Just as he would support me if I desperately wanted to lick Cooper from head to foot.

Jake shook his head. "None of them look like my type. I prefer a woman with fire. Who doesn't mind burning the world down around her."

"That sounds dangerous," I said lightly.

"It is," he agreed. "I'm a masochist. But I also want you to be happy."

"I want that for you too," I said.

"I know you do." He squeezed my hand lightly. "I'm willing to wait until you realise we both want the same thing. In the meantime, let me buy you a present." When the time came to bid for Cooper's virginity, Jake raised his hand.


Cooper staredaround my apartment with wide eyes. He was dressed now, in worn blue jeans and a black T-shirt that moulded to his body. Somehow he looked sexier than when he only wore boxers.

"This is where you live?" he asked. He looked like he didn’t quite believe he was here.

I didn’t quite believe it myself.

Jake questioned the wisdom of bringing Cooper up here in the first place, but he and I had some talking to do.

"Not exactly," I said. "I crash here sometimes. Jake too. There's a couple of spare bedrooms. It comes in useful." I sat down on the couch and crossed my legs, letting the split in my dress fall open to show most of my thigh.

"Right." Cooper gawked at the view outside the window for a while longer, then sat down on the couch near me. He glanced at my exposed leg and swallowed hard.

Jake flopped into a chair opposite us. His tie hung loose around his neck. The first few buttons on his shirt were undone, showing a glimpse of his chest. To anyone else, he might seem relaxed, unwound after a long night of schmoozing. I knew he would shift and rip Cooper’s throat out in a heartbeat if he thought it was necessary. Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that.

A jar of red cherries he’d snagged from the bar hung loosely from his fingers. Smartass.

"So—" Cooper said awkwardly.

"There's a few things you should know," I started. I nodded towards Jake. He was better at this shit than I was.

Before Jake could speak, Cooper said, "You killed my uncle."
