Page 13 of Ivory

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Jake snorted. "I'll bet you can find an opening for him." He was teasing, but there was an edge of envy in his voice. He knew I wanted to fuck Cooper like an itch I needed to scratch. It was different from my feelings for Jake. More carnal.

Cooper actually blushed, bless him and his hot little fucking ass. He was too adorable for his own good. And probably mine.

"You really want to work with the people that killed your uncle?" I asked. "If it was me, I would want revenge."

Cooper shrugged. "Like I said, he had it coming. I… Kinda wish I'd been there to see it."

Fuck, there was a darkness in this guy. It turned me on so hard I wanted to come just listening to the sound of his voice.

"It was pretty awesome," Jake remarked."He ejaculated his blood all over Ivory."

"That was Jake's fault," I said immediately.

"Don't pretend like you hated it," Jake said. To Cooper he said, "If she wasn't a wolf, she would be a vampire. She has a thing for hot blood."

"I do not," I protested. "I just like how it feels and smells. And tastes. Besides, there's no such thing as vampires."

Jake gave Cooper a knowing nod.

Cooper grinned.


It could be a good thing if they got along with each other. I had a feeling Cooper might make himself indispensable.

Jake stretched and put the empty jar down on the table. "I'm going to get some sleep. You kids have a good time."

I smiled and nodded. "Good night."

He gave Cooper a warning look which clearly said, 'If you fuck with her, you'll fuck with me,' then disappeared into the spare room he preferred.

I found myself gazing into Cooper's pretty, hazel eyes. "You have enough money now to make a good start in life. A legal one. Isn't that why you took part in the auction?"

"I wanted the money to pay off my uncle's debts and to put myself through university." Cooper glanced in the direction Jake went. He suddenly looked nervous, but excited at the same time.

Yeah, so was I.

"Oh? What are you studying?" I managed to keep my voice even.

"Visual arts," Jake called out from the spare room. Obviously he wanted to let Cooper know he was still listening, and that he'd been thoroughly vetted by us. Jake would have done an extensive background check before he even mentioned the auction to me.

"You're an artist?" I asked. "Jake has a PhD in eavesdropping."

"Just call me Doctor Claw," Jake said.

Cooper and I both laughed.

"I like to paint and draw," Cooper said. "Traditionally and digitally. I wanted to get into graphic design."

"Past tense?" I asked. "You don't anymore?"

Cooper took a full minute to respond. "I think there's a bigger world out there. More to life than staring at a screen or canvas. I can still do all that as a hobby."

I nodded slowly, then rose and moved to look out the window. "This life is not an easy choice to make. It's not an easy one to live. It looks like fun in the movies and on TV, but the reality is a lot more… Sometimes boring. Sometimes bloody. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder? Because you will. You won't even notice you're doing it. You'll find yourself lying to everyone you ever knew. Before you know it, the only friends you have are people you work with. They are the only ones who know what we do. They're the only ones who don't care."

Cooper stepped up behind me and put his hands lightly on my shoulders. "You make that sound more and more appealing."

His touch made it harder to think.
