Page 17 of Ivory

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The guys sat at the table near the kitchen, in front of the wide window. Judging by his damp hair, Cooper had a shower in one of the other bathrooms.

"Jake said you wouldn't mind if I had a scrub," Cooper said.

I slipped into a chair. "Did he offer to wash your back?" I snagged one of the cups of coffee and peeled back the lid. It smelled divine.

"Of course I did," Jake said. "What sort of host would I be if I didn't?" He grinned and pushed a bowl of fruit salad, oats and yoghurt towards me.

I made a face. "I was hoping for pancakes."

"I know you were," Jake said. "I'm here to make sure you don't put that shit in your body, like you asked me to."

"This from the guy who had a whole jar of sugary cherries last night." I rolled my eyes at him.

"At least they're fruit," he pointed out.

"Just barely." I sipped my coffee. At least he didn't complain about me drinking that.

Cooper looked from one of us to the other. "Are you two always like this?"

"Smoking hot and as funny as fuck?" Jake asked. "Yes. Yes we are."

I snorted. "Jake likes to think he is my father."

"No," Jake corrected. "I like to think I'm your daddy. There's a significant difference." He wiggled his brows at me.

Cooper grinned. "You guys are awesome. I thought you might be all scary and shit, and you are," he added quickly, "but you're also really cool."

"Yeah. I am pretty cool for an old dude," Jake agreed.

"You're not that old," I told him. I tried not to think about the age difference between Cooper and Jake. There I was, just about bang in the middle. Okay, now I was thinking about being in the middle of them, the meat in a hot-guy sandwich. Sometimes it was hard to remember why I didn't sleep with Jake.

"No, I just feel like it sometimes." Jake looked towards Cooper. "Be careful. Hanging around with Ivory might cause you to age before your time. Before you know it, your teenage years will be over." He snapped his fingers.

"I turn twenty soon," Cooper said.

"It's started already." Jake grinned.

I picked up a slice of banana and threw it at him. It hit him in the side of his head, then fell into his lap.

He looked down at it. "I should insist you come over here and eat that."

Did he have any idea how much I wished I could?

He picked up the slice, threw it up in the air and caught it in his mouth. He grinned at his own prowess.

Cooper clapped.

"Don't encourage him," I said. "Sometimes I think he should have joined the circus."

"Sometimes I'm pretty sure Ididjoin the circus," Jake said.

I stuck my middle finger up at him.

He grinned, but he looked like he would happily take my finger and suck on it for a while.

"So… Can I ask what the story is between the Onyx Ridge pack and Ivory Claw?" Cooper asked tentatively.

That brought down the atmosphere.
