Page 19 of Ivory

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"If the next words out of your mouth are, ‘wham bam, thank you ma'am,’ you're fired," I said dryly.

Cooper grinned. "I don't know what that means, but I am grateful for last night. And I promise I can do whatever work you give me to do and focus on that, whether we're sleeping together or not."

"Maybe I'm the one who can't focus," I suggested.

"Ohhh, now I get it." Jake slapped a hand to his forehead. "All this time I thought you were worried I couldn't do my job. But it's you who are distracted by my devastating good looks."

I drummed my fingernails on the table. "Exactly. If you had a head like a potato, there would be no problem." I held back a laugh.

"So you would rather fuck someone that looks like a potato than fuck me?" Jake pouted.

I pretended to think about that for a moment. "They would have to have some a-peeling characteristics, but maybe."

Both guys laughed.

It felt good to sit around the table and chat like… Like friends. For a while at least, I could forget about the world, the Dagens and all that shit. We could almost be normal people. Almost.

"For the record," I said slowly, "I want to fuck both of you. I just don't want any of us to end up dead because of it. Is that so terrible?" It made sense to me.

"Sometimes life is too short to be sensible." Cooper sounded like an old man.

"That's fucking deep, kid," Jake said. He jerked his head sideways, towards Cooper. "He's right though. You spent ten years of your life living with a Dagen. You could have married one and had mutant puppies. Instead, you offered yourself up for auction and took back what was ours. You spent nearly a decade taking chances with almost everything. Everything but your heart."

"That's fucking deep, old man." Cooper smiled.

"Isn't it though?" Jake said. To me he said, "I get it. We walked through the fire together. You think if we had a relationship outside friendship and work, and it ended, we would end."

"Wouldn't it?" I asked. "Just think, you could go on social media and complain about your psychotic ex. Isn't that what people do?"

"Have you ever seen me on social media?" Jake asked. Then softly he added, "You and I wouldn't end."

"You don't know that," I said. I noticed he didn’t deny I was psychotic.

"Yes I do," he said firmly. "We are a team. Now and forever. Even if you wanted to get rid of me, you couldn't."

"I could have you killed," I pointed out. They wouldn't like it, but my men would do it if I asked them to.

"But you wouldn't," he said with certainty. "We've been through too much together to end that way." He gave me a long, intense stare.

"See?" Cooper said. "The sexual tension in here is through the roof. You two should just fuck and get it over with. But also me too. I don't mind sharing."

"The kid is wise," Jake said. "That sounds like a plan to me."

"I'm glad you two have it all worked out." I gave them both a dark look. "Maybe I should step outside and leave you both to it." Yeah okay, when I thought about that for a second, it was hot as fuck.

"Not without you," Cooper said. "But I wouldn't say no to a threesome."

Before I could respond to that, we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Saved by the bell," I said under my breath. I nodded for Jake to open the door.

"Morning boss, sorry to interrupt," Kyle said. He looked anxious.

"Actually, your timing is perfect," I said. "Is there a problem?"

"I'm not sure," he admitted. "I took those artefacts to Rachel, like you asked. She just got back to me about them. Something is really screwy."

