Page 2 of Ivory

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I nodded my head. "He was useful, but he overstepped too many times. If I let him keep doing that, then others will follow." I gave Silas a brutal smile. "We can't have that."

Silas stammered, "I’ll make it up to you. I can…"

"You had your chance." I nodded to Jake. "End him."

Jake grinned. "With pleasure." He gestured to Kyle and Ben. All three started to strip off their clothes and put them aside carefully.

Silas shook his head and stepped back toward the door. He put his hands up to either side of him. "Please. I'll do anything. I swear, I won't sell any more artefacts. I just… Needed the money.Please."

In a handful of moments, Jake went from a ripped, heavily tattooed naked guy in his mid-thirties, to a magnificent, snow white wolf. Kyle and Ben were a second or two behind, neither less magnificent than Jake.

Silas’ face was almost as white as the three wolves who stalked around him, toying with him. "Oh gods, please no." To his credit, he hadn't pissed his pants. Yet.

Jake stepped around him lightly, as if prolonging the anticipation, or looking for the right angle to strike.

Silas murmured. The stink of fear increased a thousandfold. The smell was sweeter than fine perfume.

It was as arousing as fuck.

In the blink of an eye, Jake struck. He leaped at Silas before the man could take another step away. He clamped his jaws on the man's throat and tore it away. A shower of blood fountained from the artery in his neck. Before I could move, it rained hot blood down over my cheek and the front of my dress. It felt like someone had jerked hot cum all over me.

The feeling, the smell—I was more aroused than ever.

The guys all leaped on Silas now, tearing him apart like three dogs playing with a toy.

By the time they were done, blood added to the stains on the floors and walls. And their muzzles. Silas' head was still more or less intact. There was no point sending a message if people didn't know who we'd dispensed with.

I let the boys have a little bit of fun pushing the head around with their noses like they were playing with a ball, then cleared my throat.

"I think he's dead enough."

Jake rolled the head to my feet. I glanced down. Silas lay looking up at me with glassy eyes. I resisted the urge to soil my shoes by kicking him away. Instead I watched Jake shift back and grab a rag to wipe the blood off his face.

"Sometimes I think you have too much fun doing that." I scratched the blood on my dress with a long, black fingernail. It was going to need dry-cleaning.

He grinned. "Only when they deserve it." He tossed the rag onto a workbench, picked up his clothes and started to pull them back on.

I watched for a moment with a twinge of regret, then turned away. "This place belongs to me now. Get the paperwork sorted. Find someone to run the place. The nephew maybe. Make it clear he's working for us, not himself." If he didn't like it, tough shit. If you screw with me, you get screwed.

"On it, boss," Jake said.

I turned back as he was doing up his pants. He scooped his shirt up off the floor. I noticed none of his clothes had blood on them. I also noticed he was taking his time putting his shirt back on.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "You smell good," he said.

I snorted. "You did that on purpose." I waved at the front of myself.

He grinned and picked up the rag he'd used to clean himself. He tossed it to me. "Would you believe it was an accident? You can clean it off if you like."

I threw it back at him and hit him in the side of the face. "That thing is dirtier than I am."

Jake caught the rag and tossed it back to the worktable. He missed. It fell on the floor with a plop.

"You don't look like you mind too much." He offered me his shirt. "You can change into this if you want."

I looked at the faded grey band T-shirt which dangled from his fingers. "I'll pass. I can change when we get back to Crimson."

He shrugged and pulled on his shirt.
