Page 27 of Ivory

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He leaned in towards me. "The difference between me and them is that youneedme. If you want to stop Dagen from doing whatever he plans, I can help. Iwillhelp."

"Whether I like it or not?" I asked. My tone was bordering on dangerous, but his proximity and the threesome in the corner of my eye was distracting and heady.

He locked his gaze on mine and his breath brushed over my cheek. "You would definitely like it."

Shit, he must be catching the same vibe. I don't know how I had any lust left after the marathon session with Cooper, but apparently I did. I reminded myself of who he was and what people like him did. He killed members of our pack for our enemy. However muddy the reasons for doing that, it still happened.

"You think so, do you?" I said.

He licked his lips. "Without a doubt. I—"

"What the fuck?"

The first sign I had that Jake was here was the man himself charging toward us. His face looked like thunder.

"What theshitis he doing here?" Jake snarled.


Hutton jerked away."I—"

Jake looked like he was about to shift and rip Hutton's throat out. Instead, he leaped towards him. His momentum knocked the table in front of me. Two glasses and the jug went flying.

Before I could move, I found myself covered in a couple of litres of ice cold apple juice.

The front of my white silk blouse was absolutely saturated. Juice dripped from my face, from my arms, from my hair.

Jake froze, his hands out to either side. "Oh. Shit." He stepped towards me. "Ivory… I'm so sorry."

I could only manage one word."Fuck."

He reached for me to—I don't even know what. He was useful, but he wasn't a motherfucking towel.

I sidestepped him. "What the hells?" I growled under my breath.

"He's a traitor," Jake said. He turned to Hutton. "Get the fuck out." He waved towards the door.

Hutton took a step away.

"He's here at my request," I said coldly. "We are not done talking yet. I need to get clean. Don't kill each other."

"I make no guarantees," Jake said. "You can wait for us in the ground floor bar, asshole. I don't trust you running around up here. Before you have any thoughts, security is everywhere." He waved Ben over from the door and gestured for him to escort Hutton out.

Hutton shrugged. "I have no plans to try anything."

"You better fucking not," Jake snarled. "I should kill you myself and get it over with, but that would ruin the mood in here. Ivory hates it when people do that." He was angry, but he obviously hadn't missed the fact the juice made my blouse practically transparent. His erection pressed at the front of his pants.

I glared at him, then stomped past him towards the elevator. Men and their stupid need to out-dick each other. Did he really think I didn't know what I was doing?

Maybe I should kill them both and get it over with.

I stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to close the door before Jake could get inside. Recognising that might be childish and he might change his mind and actually kill Hutton, I pressed the other button to open the door again. I crossed my arms over my chest and stepped back to let Jake join me in the elevator car.

Neither of us said a word all the way up. Or when we stepped into the apartment. Not even when I saw Cooper sitting on the couch, a book in his hand.

"Jake can explain," I said before he could ask. "Maybe you can wash my back." I slipped into the bathroom before anyone could say another word.

I shed my clothes and stepped into the shower. Closing my eyes, I leaned forward into the hot, steamy water to rinse the sticky juice off my face.
