Page 38 of Ivory

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"Considering your family stole what you had from my family, that doesn't leave much," I remarked.

"You like to think you've won." His voice was lower, sinister. He would have intimidated a lot of people, but not me. "Neither of us started this war, but I intend to end it."

"I accept your unconditional surrender," I said sweetly. I tried to ignore Jake and Cooper giving each other a silent high-five. "Will you be retiring somewhere sunny?" A girl could hope, right?

Dagen laughed. "When I'm finished with you, you will be giving me your unconditional surrender. And your lapdog. I know he's listening."

"Hello, asshole," Jake said cheerfully. "You really should take Ivory up on her offer. It would be a lot less hassle."

"But a lot less fun," Dagen said. "Blood stains white fur so nicely, don't you think? Not to mention white hair."

Jake bared his teeth. "I prefer the way it shines off black fur, personally."

"You would know," Dagen said. "You've seen it often enough."

"That's where you're wrong," Jake said lightly. "I haven't seen itnearlyoften enough. Care to volunteer as tribute?"

"No, but I look forward to watching you die," Dagen said. "It's a bucket list thing. You know how it is."

"Right back at you," Jake said. "Nothing would give me more satisfaction."

"Hmmm, sounds as though Ivory needs to brush up on her bedroom skills." Dagen sounded impressed with himself coming up with that insult.

Cooper stood up straighter. He looked like he was going to say something in my defence.

Jake waved him back down.

"Don't give him the satisfaction," Hutton said softly.

Cooper looked like he wanted to argue, but he slumped back down and crossed his arms.

"It's not my bedroom skills you need to worry about," I said. "It's the fact I have experience in stomping the Dagen pack back down in its place. I'm happy to do it again if you push me to it. Just remember who broke the peace if you decide to do it. The blood will be on your hands."

"I will be happy to have Ivory Claw blood on my hands," he said. "Let it rain blood."

"Did you miss your last therapy session?" I asked. "You sound a bit unhinged." He sounded dogmatic, no pun intended.

"You didn't answer my question," he said. "I know you got the artefacts. Thank you for the money, by the way. I know you bought the boy so I could get paid. And because you were panting over him like a bitch in heat."

Okay, so the last part was accurate. Could I help it if Cooper was smoking hot?

I laughed. "Jealous? Did you want him for yourself?"

Cooper made a gagging face.

"I don't need to buy fucks," Dagen said. "They come to me."

"Isn't it nice to see that some people still give to charity?" Jake said.

I put a hand over my mouth to stifle a laugh. I could all but feel Dagen fuming at the other end of the line.

"I'm going to have to have a long think," Dagen said. "About which one of you will die first. One of you will watch the other, that's a given. Don't worry, I'll make it nice and slow. And painful."

"You must be a lot of fun at parties," Jake said dryly.

"I prefer funerals," Dagen said.

"We're happy to invite you to yours." Jake grinned. He was having way too much fun with this. "How about… This Saturday? Does that work for you?"
