Page 44 of Ivory

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"Seems like you owe me then, doesn't it?" he asked.

Only a punch in the dick, I thought.

I smiled sweetly. "Like hells. I don't know what you want with a dump like this anyway. Since when were you into nightclubs?" The garage was more his speed. Used-car yards. Malls. Apartment blocks.

He shrugged. "I thought I would diversify my portfolio. I wouldn't want to put all my eggs into one basket, would I now? My father made that mistake, I don't need to repeat it."

"He made a lot of mistakes," I agreed. Like ejaculating into Alistair's mother.

"Like leaving you alive and unbroken," Dagen said. "He was always a sucker for a pretty face." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You think I'm pretty?" Jake asked. "Thanks, I'm touched."

"Tell me something." Dagen turned his gaze to Jake. "You had the money, the resources and the contacts. Why did you not take on my father yourself? Why do nothing for so many years, then hide behind her skirts?"

Jake stiffened visibly. "I wasn't doingnothing, I was biding my time. Waiting for someone the pack would follow. That's Ivory, if only because she has a much better ass than I do."

"Yes, she does," Dagen agreed. "But that doesn't make someone a good alpha."

"That's true," Jake admitted. "She has other qualities."

"I'm sure she does." Dagen eyed my chest.

I was starting to reconsider the wisdom of not killing him. Maybe the hassle it would cause would be worth it not to have him looking at me like I was a piece of meat.

"We should go. We have business to attend to," I said as if I thought he was just lazing around.

"Leaving so soon?" Dagen asked. "But I haven't had the fun of kicking you out yet. Or having you killed."

"That wouldn't be very hospitable," Jake said. "We didn't kill you when you were in Crimson the other night."

Maybe we should have.

"That's why I'm letting you leave," Dagen said. There was more to it, I saw it in his shifty eyes. He was up to something, and whatever it was, it wasn't good.

"How kind of you," I said sarcastically.

"Yes it is," he agreed. He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "This time. Next time, things will be very different." His hot breath brushed my neck.

I suppressed a shudder.

He leaned back and I saw in his eyes that he was aware of his effect on me. I wanted to wipe the smug expression of his face with my fingernails. I might have tried if I didn't think he would enjoy it.

"What makes you think there will be a next time?" I asked. My ice queen façade was firmly back in place. "I can't see any reason why I would step foot back in here. Can you, Jake?"

"Nope," he agreed. "Not one." He looked like he was ready to punch Alistair in the face. Either he heard what the man said to me, or he could tell it was a threat.

Dagen clicked his tongue. "Don't be so literal. It doesn't have to be here. It could be," he spread his hands, "anywhere." He gave me a long look. It didn't take a genius to tell what he was thinking. In his mind he had me naked and on my knees. Or bent over something.

In my mind, he was lying in a pool of his own blood. I liked mine better.

I gave him an ice cold look, turned and started toward the door.

"He's a piece of work, isn't he?" Jake said once we were back outside.

"He's a piece ofshit," I said. "I wish I knew what he was up to."

"Personally, I think he's all talk," Jake said. "He wants to rattle us. Don't give him the satisfaction."
