Page 53 of Ivory

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I sniffed and shook my head. "It smells like rotting fruit." I turned my head. "And it seems to be coming from—"

I looked directly at the newsstand as it was blasted to smithereens.


All three ofthe guys shoved me to the ground and threw themselves around me to shield me from the blast. They were lucky they didn't slam me face first into the ground. Getting injured in the explosion would be the least of their troubles if I broke my nose.

Instead, I ended up on my knees, my head down over them, arms over my face.

The explosion went on for what seemed like days. In reality, it was only a matter of seconds. Terrifying seconds in which I was almost sure I was about to die. I was going to end up in chunks like my parents had. No one would ever know it was me, because I made sure to have anything that would identify me erased from any databases anywhere in the world.

The worst part was, I didn't get to eat my jelly beans first. Yeah, okay, weird things cross your mind when you’re sure you’re going to die.

I slowly became aware the world had fallen still. My ears were ringing. It filtered out the sound of screaming and then the sound of sirens approaching the area.

"Ivory?" I realised Jake had said my name several times already. "Ivory? El?"

Gradually, I worked my way out of my state of shock. I blinked a few times and shook my head.

"I'm okay." I let him help me to my feet and looked around.

Where the newsstand was, only now a smouldering mess of metal and the remains of the woman who worked there were left. Several people lay close by, dead or badly injured.

"Shit," Cooper said softly. He had a gash on his cheek from where something hit him, but he otherwise looked okay.

Ben staggered to his feet with Jake’s help and rubbed the back of his head. His hand came away red with blood, but he waved Jake off. “It’s just a graze.” He must have tried to shield all of us. He was incredibly lucky he wasn’t killed as well. Was it wrong that I found that incredibly hot?

"Should we get out of here?" Cooper asked.

The sirens were getting closer.

"Can you walk?" Jake asked me.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I practically had a brick wall of guys between me and the blast. I was pissed off, but not hurt. I would have been even more pissed off if any of us died.

Jake grabbed my hand and led me away at a slow walk, while people came running from the buildings around us.

"That was too fucking close," Jake growled. "If the motherfucker wants a war, then he's going to fucking get one."

"Lucky we didn't go for a haircut," I said.

Jake snorted his agreement.

"This is all kinds of fucked up," Cooper said. He looked a little dazed. He stopped and looked back at the carnage.

I dropped back slightly to talk to Ben. "Do you need to see a paramedic?"

He shook his head slowly. "No. I’m fine, boss. Thanks. I’ll have a headache later, but no harm done otherwise.” The back of his hair was matted with blood, but if he said he was okay, I had no choice but to believe him.

“That was badass,” I said softly. I reached for his hand—the one not covered in blood, and gave it a squeeze.

He squeezed back and offered me a faint smile. “I try to be a badass as often as I can. I like that you noticed.” The look he gave me went beyond professional. I suspected my return gaze did as well. If he died, I’d be more than pissed. It’s funny how you don’t really see what’s in front of you until it’s almost gone. Hells, why not complicate life a bit more? Our time on this planet was too short not to take risks.

“I always notice,” I assured him. I realised I was still holding his hand and let it go. I caught Jake’s glance, but he looked unworried. He was used to there being something between Ben and I. He might have assumed it would go further some day. As long as I didn’t lock him out again, he was okay with it.

I turned my attention to Cooper, who was still glassy eyed. “Are you all right?”

He blinked. “Yeah, I guess. Just… This death thing doesn't seem like so much fun when it's almost you."
