Page 66 of Ivory

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I waited. Why wasn't I dead yet?

I got the answer to that a minute or two later, when yet another dark SUV pulled up. To the surprise of no one, Alistair Dagen stepped out. His shoes made a clicking sound as he walked across the road. He had something in his hand but I couldn't tell what it was until he got closer.

He crouched down beside me. The look of triumph on his face was almost too much to bear.


"Shift back," he snapped.

I stared back at him, sending thoughts of him dying suddenly. Maybe wishing for a comet to drop out of the sky onto his head.

At a signal from Dagen, the jaws around my throat tightened.

I swallowed. It was harder to do that. Harder to breathe. The adrenaline from the chase gradually seeped away. Despair threatened to replace it.

No, I told myself.Just because I'm pinned to the road right now, doesn't mean I'm beaten. No way.

I huffed out my snout and shifted back into person form.

The wolf's jaws were barely off my neck when Dagen snapped something else onto there. A collar?

He leaned down to speak in my ear. "I've always wanted a pet dog. My parents wouldn't let me have one. Just so you know, that collar will prevent you from shifting. Don't try to take it off, it will hurt like hells. Or better yet, try." He patted my bare ass.

I bared my teeth at him.

He ignored me and stood. "Get the bitch into the back of the car."

A couple of his guys had already shifted back into person form. They grabbed me and pulled me to my feet. With my leg mangled as it was, I couldn't have done it by myself anyway.

"Don't call me bitch," I hissed.

With a snap of his wrist, he gave me a stinging backhand across my cheek.

If it wasn't for the guys holding me up, I would have fallen from the blow and the blaze of pain that blossomed across my face.

"Fuck you," I growled.

He struck me again, harder this time. Hard enough that I felt a crack across my cheekbone. I tried, but I couldn't keep from crying out in pain.

"You will learn, bitch," he snarled. "Get her into the fucking car."

They had to half carry me most of the way there, I couldn't support any weight on my leg, and my head spun.

It wasn't until we got almost all the way there, that I finally saw Ben lying on the ground near the tyres. He had a collar around his neck like the one I had and was clearly badly injured, but alive. He looked up at me with regret in his eyes, but I smiled. Nothing he did would have changed any of this. At least he hadn't gotten himself killed.

They pushed me into the back of the car, then picked up Ben and pushed him in after me. He groaned with obvious pain.

The car door closed behind us and the lock audibly clicked into place.

"This is fucked," he whispered.

"Yeah," I agreed. "But we're alive. We need to focus on staying that way, no matter what happens." My leg and face both throbbed with agony, but I clung to the fact they hadn't killed us yet. That meant there was hope. And while there was hope, I was going to find a fucking way out of this.

The engine started and the car pulled away from the side of the road.

I closed my eyes and prayed to any god who would listen that Jake did what I told him to.

If he didn’t, I was screwed.

* * *

Thankyou for reading the first part of Ivory’s story. Find out what happens next in Crimson.

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