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Her confidence reminded me of Kerina. While she might not have been capable of killing me or Kerina as easily as she assumed, she would have done some damage. She might have died in the attempt, so thank Hades it hadn't come to that. I drew the line at killing children, but to defend myself, I'd do what I had to.

"So, a deadly assassin is afraid of vermin?" I stated.

Latika stared at him, unblinking. "No one is without fear." Her chin lowered slightly. "No one in the Cape can know what we are. I pretend I'm a scared village woman. No one looks twice at us."

"Except they will now, with you seeing giant rats," Kerina replied.

Latika sighed. "That is unfortunately correct. We will need to move on."

"But, Mother—" Aisha protested.

Latika held up a hand and Aisha fell silent immediately. "Tomorrow we'll leave. Tonight, we must rest. Erin, show them to the spare rooms. We all leave at dawn."

I frowned. "You're not coming with us."

"There is safety in numbers. Besides, Aisha and Erin would benefit from learning from another assassin."

"I'm sure they would, but another time. Where we're going is dangerous. We don't need children to come along."

Aisha's eyes flashed with anger, but Latika was unmoved.

"The decision is made. I suggest you rest as well." Latika gave me a curt nod.

My mouth turned down and I had to suppress a knot of anger. "You are not in charge—"

Erin touched my arm lightly. "Best do as she says," she said softly. "She always gets her way. It's easier to go along with her."

"I can see that," I said dryly.

"It will be a jolly company," Wesley remarked cheerfully. "I could teach the girls some songs."

I assumed Latika might object, on the grounds music was frivolous, or some such crap. To my surprise, she nodded.

"I have had to pretend to be a bard, but I know only a handful of songs and few are recent. I would like to add to my repertoire."

"Oh, wonderful. why don't we pretend to be a band of travelling musicians?" I said sarcastically.

Apparently only Kerina took note of my tone, because she snorted softly.

Wesley clapped his hands and grinned and even Latika seemed pleased at the idea.

"Hades help me," I muttered.

"You're going to need it," Kerina said.

I couldn't disagree with her. Dex would probably find the whole situation hilarious. That knowledge did nothing to assuage my fear that this could all end very badly.

"Rest is a good idea," I said. When the house was quiet, I'd rouse Kerina and sneak away without the others. Although, something told me that wouldn't be so easy.

Hades help me indeed.



"It's for your own good,"Luther assured me. He slipped a length of black fabric over my eyes and tied it behind my head. "You'll have more freedom this way."

I strained to see from under the bottom of the blindfold, but he'd put it on too well.
