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"Indeed," the first nurse agreed.

The man under the blanket stirred, but soon lay still again. With his neat beard and bright blue eyes, he might be considered handsome, but there was something about him the man found unnerving. The sooner he was well enough to move on, the better.

"He said he was looking for Hades," the nurse added.

"Sounds like he took a hard blow to the head," the second nurse said dryly.

"Possibly," the male nurse said quickly. "But—"

She quirked an eyebrow at him and gestured for him to continue.

"He seemed serious."

"Drugs?" The second nurse shrugged.

"I guess so. We see when the doctor looks him over." No doubt she'd want blood taken and tests run.

The second nurse nodded. "Hopefully he'll remember everything in the morning." She smiled down at the sleeping man.

"Yes, he may." For some reason, a shiver passed through the nurse. "We should leave him to sleep."

"Yes, we should," she agreed. She looked ready to jump under the blanket with the man.

The nurse shook his head. If she kept him busy, then the he wouldn't have to bother. He could spend more time with other patients. Or with his study into the paranormal. He was close to interpreting some of the ancient scrolls his mother left him. One in particular held his interest. The scroll claimed to show the place where Hades himself rested. That knowledge would bring him acclaim, the world over.

He rubbed his hands together and hurried back to his work.
