Page 102 of Firebird

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“Lady Francilia, do not fret. It is precisely why he is the best man for the job,” teased Cora. “At least I know I won’t fall in love with him.”

Even after the young Arrowspear woman slipped out of my room, her last few words reverberated in me. It must hurt to have someone not reciprocate your love. I was starting to feel what Cora felt. However, I did not know how to stand being rejected several times as she had been. It would kill me.

“Duke Ari hates King Metheus. He is not supposed to be here. Your Majesty, you are free to return to your husband. I will go with you wherever you need me to,” Francilia pledged fervently.

“We will leave as soon as possible,” I said firmly.


My mother might fear I would be in danger, but she was happy to see that I was eager to rejoin my husband. I had been back in Queenspell for a little more than two months. It was enough. He should have been here for half the year. I was not the one breaking any contract. A whole group of forces was making us do it.

“What will we do with the duke?” my mother asked, a disgruntled look on her face.

“He may be dangerous, mother. Is there a way for the witches to hold him hostage, interrogate him with magic?”

“Luella, you know that is not possible unless we have proof. Otherwise, we are simply risking the ire of Duchess Devorah.”

“The duchess is under Metheus’ rule.”

“The more that you must be careful. Do you want the duchess and her people to think that Metheus does whatever he wants and lets you, his wife, do the same? Her people are Metheus’s people, too, as he governs all of Prozeus.”

I sighed. If I had a choice, I would burn my enemies. At least, my powers would be of use.

“Remember, Luella, your father and I only fought our enemies after they had brought us down. There was never any doubt as to what their intentions were. It was easy for me to burn them or cut their heads. You need to tread a little more carefully. The real purpose of marrying Metheus was not just the easing of the drought but also the protection of your name. After that man started pointing fingers at you, people remembered what happened years ago.”

For the first time in a long time, I recalled Thomas burning in the barn. I placed my hand on my mouth to hold down a gasp. I also stopped myself from telling my mother that the man whose hand I burned was in Prozeus.

Did he play a more significant role in all this?

“I will hold my temper, Mother,” I promised.

“I hope I do not have to write Metheus a letter to keep you calm,” she said.

Oh, he would keep me calm when I reached Prozeus, I thought.


Everything was in order. I will be leaving for Arrowspear in two days. Rowali was delighted, hugging me tightly after I told her about it. We would be traveling with Francilia, Puza, and Emir, while Cora, Razuku, and Eli would hold the fort in Queenspell. Rowali was sad about leaving Demetria, however. I told her that the crow could visit sometimes and that we would find someone to help her with her newfound skills. She cheered a little when I said that.

Being happy could make you careless. One afternoon, I was in the maze with Francilia, seated on the grass, reading books. It did not sound like me at all, but the texts on the Ninurta sounded almost as interesting as the forbidden books Metheus had me read. Almost, but not entirely. I could not wait to read with him again, if that could be called reading at all. It was much easier to daydream about him now that I was set to return.

After about an hour of idling in the maze, Francilia left me to go to the privy, and I thought nothing much of it until I heard a rustling noise.

“Well, it seems that you have been avoiding me, Your Majesty? Am I not good enough for you?”

It was Ari. Seated on the grass, I felt a lot smaller. My body tensed as I saw the wicked grin on his face. I felt a little numb, immobile from anger.

“Speechless, Your Majesty? Or should I call you Luella? I thought we had an understanding. You cannot flirt with me and then act innocent afterward. Are you planning to tell your husband that I came on to you?” he laughed.

“I have no intention of telling Metheus about you,” I lied.

“Oh, are you feeling guilty about something, then, Your Majesty?”

I managed to stand up, letting the heavy book drop on the grass.

“Come, Luella. Let us drop all pretensions.”

“Pretensions? Is it not rich from someone who is attracted to every and other women?”
