Page 129 of Firebird

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“And you want me to see him? This man who wanted to steal his brother’s wife and who might have killed his father?”

“You are the king’s wife. You will be queen in Queenspell one day after your mother. Duke Ari wants you because of your beauty and power. It would be best if you showed him some of that power.”

“Kill him?”

“No. You cannot kill an Arrowspear royal without proof of his treachery. I could also hear one of the king’s last words to Leevar in a vision. He wanted his revenge on Ari. Do not take that away from him if you believe that he will recover.”

I bristled at how she said “last words” but regained my hope and strength when she told me to wait on Metheus to claim his revenge. It was not my fight, and I could not steal it.

“How will you keep him warm? He was so cold when I found him,” my voice broke as I rested my head on his chest, my hair spilled out all over him like a blanket. “I have the power to heal others, but I cannot even heal him. What kind of wife would I be if I would let him remain like this for the rest of his life?”

The words leaked out of me, unbidden. They were my deepest thoughts, not the words I wanted to utter. Still, I could not express my fear of my husband dying. I was afraid that saying the words would make them true.

“I have my ways, Your Majesty. Rowali will also call their mother to see if Queen Erani can help. After all, she was a demigoddess.”

“Rowali?” I cried, alarmed.

“Do not be afraid. Rowali is growing in grace and beauty. She also wants to be of help. It will be good for her confidence. She does not want to stay in her room, waiting for something to happen. She feels helpless.”

I nodded then, feeling weaker and more distraught. Aruna was right, however. I needed to face the people and tell them that Metheus was getting stronger. He would be out in no time. While they waited, I could help them with their training. I did not know how to fight well with swords and arrows, but I could rally them to keep going. They still had a leader who was gathering strength.

Reluctantly, I rose from the bed. I had only left Metheus whenever nature called, but I was filled with anxiety even then. Aruna wanted me to show myself to the people dressed in a gown. I should fuel their hopes and satisfy their curiosity.

Of course, my husband was not dead. Of course, he was getting stronger. He was only preparing for the battle to come.

While I could understand Aruna’s concerns, something itched at my brain. It was strange, but I felt I needed someone else to watch over Metheus.

“I want Fuza, Rowali, Francilia, and Samara here. Otherwise, I will not go down to see the people of Prozeus.”

I might have imagined it, but I saw Aruna’s face harden. Her jaw had tightened, and her eyes had flashed at me. Perhaps it was my sleeplessness that made me see her like that.

“Your wish is my command, Your Majesty,” she said. The side of her cheek looked cracked as if it was made of granite. She saw me looking at her curiously. Soon, her face smoothened again. Perhaps I needed some rest, but I still had to fulfill my mission.

So, I went only after Rowali, and the rest were stationed next to Metheus. Before I left for the Great Hall, my little sister hugged me, sobbing.

The Great Hall was eerily quiet. Peasants and royals alike waited for me there. Their eyes followed my every movement as I ascended the throne. I made a show of touching my husband’s throne. I knew some held their breath, possibly wondering if I would take the seat – a declaration of sorts. However, I might have disappointed a few when I took my own seat. As I sat on the throne, a consort, not a monarch, I lifted my chin to face them all. Ari was there among the crowd, his face curious. Waiting.

“Good morrow. Your king, Metheus of Prozeus, is resting. He is feeling better,” I declared.

There was a cheer from the crowd. I noted the furrowed brow on Ari’s otherwise smooth forehead.

“While he rests, I will take over some of his duties. However, rest assured that he will be with you soon. He thought training until nighttime was the answer to his desire to protect you. He had sent his men to rest and sup while he continued with Leevar, his loyal guard.”

I saw some of the guards’ heads were bowed. Ashamed.

“But there is no need to feel terrible about it. You can still serve Prozeus by preparing for the battle that is yet to come. We need every man and woman. Even boys who are strong enough to hold a sword and stretch their bows can be part of it.”

The people cheered at that, buoyed at the possibility that they could contribute. Prozeus had served its people. It had never had any wars. No poverty. Now, it was time to repay King Doro’s kindness.

“We are willing. We offer our strength,” called one of the guards.

“I offer my life to Prozeus!” Emir cried, releasing his sword from its hilt and raising it.

“I will serve the queen, my princess of Queenspell, and her husband the king,” cried another man.

It was Cesar.

His offer touched me. Somehow, I believed that he was there for Prozeus. For Queenspell. For Arrowspear. For Mogochislenia. This time. It could not be too late.
