Page 135 of Firebird

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There was no time to lose. I broke into a run towards Metheus. His hands were raised towards the Ninurta while his knees were bent from the pressure. He was still standing. So, I hugged his torso from behind, lending him my heat. I knew that I could give even when he would not take. The fact that he was standing right now was proof of that.

His skin was so cold when my body first touched his skin. Then, it warmed, and he grunted with effort. The Ninurta seemed to pull and pull but could not take. I knew that he had no power over me.

Metheus fed on my power as he stole all the powers that were burning inside the Ninurta. They were powers that he had stolen.

“Direct them to your sister, Metheus,” I whispered as the weight of all that was passing through us became heavier and heavier. “She can channel them to where they belonged, as medium and demigoddess.”

So, he did. It was the first time we were doing it. Somehow, it became easier and more natural as we went. The Ninurta roared. As it did, its funnel spun faster, whirling the tables and benches aside. Some of them hit the other people in the Great Hall indiscriminately, trashing both Metheus’ men and Rowan’s army. There were screams of agony as bodies hit the walls.

The buildup was too much. Temperatures continued to rise, and I found myself bursting into literal flames. Any other man would have burned from my fire, but Metheus only grew stronger. A triumphant shout came out of him, straight from his chest. Before I could see it through to the end, however, I shifted.

I screamed. The scream became a squawk as my limbs were torn off Metheus’s torso, now flapping as fiery wings. I soared upwards. When I looked down, I saw that Metheus’s stance was stronger even without my grip. His legs were no longer bent but straight. His back was not bowed but firm. Seeing that he was alright, I circled the room to join the simultaneous fights in the Hall and swooped to burn some of the Touch. Connecting with my wings made them burn quickly. The shrieks did not last long as they fell to the ground, spreading out as ashes.

Rowali was up. Fuza and Francilia flanked her as she looked to be returning the Ninurta’s stolen powers to their rightful owners. Rainbow colors danced over her head as she stood with her arms slightly raised on her sides. Her eyes were closed. At that moment, I felt so proud of her. She had become who she was meant to be – and more. When I swooped near her face, I could almost see another face gleaming over the young girl’s own. Queen Erani. She was here to help her children with this battle.

The mortal and witch fights seemed to be coming to an end. Where was Ari, anyway? I had to see him, and ask him about the woman who was part of the plan to kill Metheus. I did not know how to deal with Ari. Despite his viciousness, he had saved Metheus’s life. Then again, he did it only because he hated their father more.

There would be a time for that, though, as I flew lower to where the fight between the Ninurta and Metheus still raged. My heart beamed with pride to see that my husband could hold his own against a god. It was not long ago that he only wanted to be left alone with the soil.

But enough was enough.

I wanted this fight to be over once and for all. Metheus promised. He promised that we could do it together. So, I flew to the back of the swirling black funnel. Then, I let myself blaze into higher temperatures. It was time to dry the damned thing up.

So, I did. I circled the howling funnel and started burning the Ninurta. I knew I could not kill a god. I could only weaken and imprison it. It would have to take self-sacrifice like Erishkigal’s own to bring them down to the world of the dead. However, this god had been away from mortals far too long that it was almost mindless. Barbaric.

A fire should not burn in a vacuum, just like I should have no power over the void. However, I was a remnant of Erishkigal’s power, a curse that was not lifted nor changed. I was a catalyst. I could make changes but could not be changed.

I made a move to make that change. I swirled around the funnel, heating it. It roared. Metheus continued to pull from his end. I circled the hungry god. Then, lifting its smoky hand, it flung me to the other side of the room.

I heard Metheus call my name as I reeled from the powerful strike.
