Page 140 of Firebird

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Chapter 54 – My Fire


The sea stretched before us, mysterious and profound. The fairies had gone into silence. So, we assumed that they were happy with what we offered them – our help in the next few months or even years to rebuild what had been destroyed. They were unhappy about the destruction even when we explained how it was not our fault that the Ninurta attacked us. They said that the destruction went back centuries and that not all could ever be repaired. They demanded blood sacrifice, something I would not give into.

Then, there was that silence.

Perhaps they had thought it best to move on and take whatever assistance we could give. Perhaps.

What remained niggling in my mind was my reaction to Luella’s words. Seeing Thomasina seemed to have unraveled her. I reasoned that she wanted the older woman to feel like she had made a mistake in targeting me. It still tore at my heart.

Luella’s face showed that she had realized what she had said. She had attempted to talk to me the past few days, but I could not trust myself to deal with my feelings. They were too raw at the moment.

Of course, she did not love me. Physical intimacy could not magically make love happen, but I thought her openness to me had made her reveal her authentic self. I had told myself repeatedly that she was no longer that young girl who met with young men just because it gave her a thrill.


It was not that long ago that I first set foot on the continent. Being back brought back the sense of adventure that I felt. I was confident that the marriage would be nothing more than another contract or mission like I did for Ruzata. The first time I met Luella, I was proud to ignore her charms at will. She was just another beautiful face with no substance. Knowing her had destroyed that belief and the barriers that I had built around me through the years.

“We’re here,” Rowali announced excitedly.

Oh, to be as young and carefree as my sister again.

The travel to Queenspell itself was smoother this time. With a letter sent ahead, an arrangement had been made. The Queen had sent some of his men to meet us with horses and carriage. I was placed into one with Luella, Rowali, Fuza, and Francilia. For some reason, I found myself seated next to Rowali. The three women sat in front of us. I supposed it was just right. Rowali was small enough to fit in next to me.

The thunderous clopping of horses’ hooves seemed to have overpowered all other sounds. We were excused from any conversation, but Luella was watching me frankly. Her eyes held mine, an apology in them. I had not truly looked at her after the encounter with Thomasina, but now I was forced to see the sheen in her eyes. Unshed tears. I forgot all feeling of ill will and reached my hand out to her and squeezed. She gave me a grateful smile and squeezed back.

Though I would like to spend more time looking into her eyes and reading those depths that I had not fully comprehended, I saw the amused smiles of Fuza and Francilia. I retreated. I spent the rest of the trip watching the blue sky caress the fields.

Queen Soraya and King Adrian gave us a warm welcome. They showed relief first, talking in hush thoughts. They had heard about the attack of the Ninurta. I had only written a few things in passing through my letter, but apparently, they had heard from other sources. The witch Diana seemed to have felt it all, and saw some of the images, too. Rowali was able to return all their powers to them. Everything seemed to have gone back to normal. In hindsight, the views I enjoyed resulted from the drought completely being lifted. Razuku, Eli, Cora, and the rest could return to Arrowspear. There was much work to do in Prozeus.

A banquet had been prepared. Everyone seemed to be freer, overjoyed. It was like everyone was now allowed to celebrate life. Even Luella and I sat next to each other and talked about minor things, not-so-important things, just like I would expect a young married couple would.

“So, are you staying for the whole six months here?” Razuku asked, pleased that there were no restrictions on where royals and peasants sat for the banquet. Friends could sit with their friends, no matter their statuses in life. I heard that the first one to break such a rule was Queen Soraya herself. She had once invited King Adrian, then a stable hand, to sit with her at her feast. It seemed so long ago, but Luella’s mother had known to break the rules and take charge, challenging the patriarchy and the cruel discrimination that witches faced.

“Luella and Rowali might stay a little longer than that. I would have to return to Prozeus in a few weeks to see how the rebuilding is progressing,” I said.

I felt more than saw Luella’s look of protest. Even though I protested against the words that came out of my mouth, responsibility beckoned. Prozeus would one day be my children’s kingdom. I still held hope.

“Then, we should return with you, Metheus,” Luella said firmly.

“Oh gods, finally! We are going home!” Razuku exclaimed happily. I noted that his arm was wrapped around Cora’s back. Ah. The people of Arrowspear were not as discreet with love and affection, even when the two people in question were not married. Cora noticed that I knew about what was budding between them, two of my closest friends from childhood. She gave me a shrug and a smile. Eli shook his head in mock annoyance, but I could see that he approved.

“We would be glad to help with the rebuilding, Your Majesty,” Cora murmured, seemingly trying to contain her own pleasure.

Could there be no more obstacles to the continents’ happiness? Was it the end? Their ancient witch nemesis willingly descended into her death, and Prozeus had defeated the Ninurta.

Perhaps the only thing that could decide my happiness was seated right next to me. Luella. My fire. I had decided to tell her that I loved her tonight. If she rejected that love, laugh at it, I should be brave enough to take it. I had long accepted the possibility, but I still held hope. I saw her tear-filled eyes and the smile that broke on her face when I touched her hand. What else could that be? Even Cora had never watched me the way she did.

Cora used to look at me with obeisance. She made it clear that she would do anything for me. With Luella, it was something else. It was like she could speak with me through her eyes, reveal things, but perhaps I was the one who wanted to read more into it.

“We might have another problem on our hands,” Luella revealed. “Metheus said that the fairies are not too happy with the destruction of their kingdoms. I know you hear more about these things, Razuku. What do you know about these fairy folks?”

I was surprised that Luella had brought up the fairies. Might they have been bothering her all this time? Razuku, on the other hand, showed no surprise. No alarm, either.

“My mother used to tell me that the fairy folks are vengeful. They can keep their hatred for centuries,” he shuddered. “And no, they are not tiny folks, either. Some of them are taller than us, even than King Metheus.”

“Do they accept marriage bargains?” asked Rowali, being a brat.
