Page 46 of Firebird

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With Luella, I should feel nothing. It was not a love match, a fact that I reminded her cruelly about. It was an arranged marriage. The call of the soil tempted me because of the heat that I took from the earth. What I did not know was that she had more heat than I could carry or endure.

With her, I was starting to feel thirst. It was not something that could be quenched by an oasis in the midst of it all. It was more complex. I was afraid that the pounding in my chest would wake her up as the beats reverberated on her back.


“Our room is lovely, Metheus,” Luella acknowledged. She seemed happy after a bath. Her chemise revealed her curves even in the semi-darkness. I gulped. She had that strange effect on me again. For the first time, I hesitated to remove my clothes. It was not out of shyness.

I knew what it was, even though I had never felt it before Luella. It was desire.

The room did not have heavy draperies. The canopy bed had lighter cloth and thin sheets. The ottomans were not as embellished by upholstery, but the wood was intricately carved.

“I am glad you like it. You seem energetic,” I observed.

“It was napping along the way that revived me,” she said.

I had a quick swim in the pool at the back of the palace. It was one of my proudest endeavors in Prozeus. It was more like a small reservoir of water, surrounded by rocks. It had a drain that carried dirty water to drainage that traveled to the fields. During the wet season, we did not have to worry about refilling the small pool. However, at times, it was treated like any other bath. Servants had to refill it with water. I did not mind doing it myself most of the time.

When I settled under the thin blanket, I could not help but think of the woman beside me. I turned towards her and saw that her eyes were still wide open. She was startled, feeling caught.

I crept closer to her, and her face lit up. Then, for only the second time since we were married, I kissed her.

It seemed so natural, as if I knew how to do it all along. For a little while, I forgot my fears that Luella would find it lacking. For a short while, I learned to recognize those fears. I traced her lips with my tongue, and I found her coming closer. Her breasts pressed on my chest, making it harder to breathe.

Was this what I was missing all along?

It was just a kiss, but her temperature was rising. My hand was on her back, and I could feel its unusual warmth. She flinched, realizing that she was going out of control. I rubbed her back comfortingly, and I slowly took away her fire.

Her eyes opened. In recognition, maybe.

However, it broke the spell, and I let go of her. Thoughts of how she would find me inadequate compared to her Thomas or whoever else took over me. Even with her heat, my heart went chilly.

“Metheus?” she sobbed, as I disengaged from the moment.

I squeezed my eyes shut, knowing it would be difficult to sleep that night.
