Page 52 of Firebird

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“Are you alright?” I asked again. Then, I spied the court physician standing a few feet behind my father.

The witch physician approached. Her name was Zarina, a spirit witch in her forties.

“Your father will be fine, Your Highness. However, you are right. He needs to be more careful. Another attempt may not miss again,” she said in a calm, husky voice.

The guards had been informed and had started their formation. My father would be taking an inner room with no windows facing anywhere where an enemy could let an arrow fly in. I wished then that we had a fortified castle and not an ostentatious palace. We never had cause to fear. What enemies did we have? Arrowspear kings were not like Mogochislenian kings. They were happy with what they had inherited from their ancestors.

Still, I had no choice but to clean up and retire for the night. Inside our bedroom, our wife was at least not as amorous as the night before. There was something about an assassination attempt that could do that.

Luella quietly laid down on her side of the bed, wearing a chemise. She turned her back to me. My heart went out to her, and something else tugged at it. Of course, my thoughts were on my father at that moment, but I also wanted to comfort and be comforted by my wife.

After undressing, I laid down next to her and embraced her. Her slight movement suggested she was surprised. She rolled to face me, her eyes on mine. For that moment, we had an understanding. We did not have to say the words. She pressed her head on my chest and reveled in the cocoon I had made for her. Soon, her breathing had evened. While she was asleep, I caressed her hair and kissed her forehead. Then, I also fell asleep.
