Page 54 of Firebird

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“Would practicing with a bow and arrow help protect your father?” I asked, wishing I had not. My thoughts sounded ridiculous right there in the open.

“No,” he said, shaking his head in amusement. His beads rattled when he did so, distracting me with their sheen. Gold. Just like his hair. But his hair was darker, like brown bleached by the sun. He was a man who worshipped the sun with his outdoor activities, and the sun worshipped him back. “But I can kill anyone who ever tries. I will also be on sword practice, as well, if you want to come along?”

I felt my cheeks tingle, embarrassed at where my thoughts were going. I reminded myself that Metheus was only being nice because I had caught him. I knew his secret.

“Okay,” I said.

He mistook my hesitation for worry.

“The guards are ready. Father is inside, and he is not allowed out until we know what we are up against. He is accompanied by his most trusted guards.”

I nodded at that. When he took my hand to lead me to the back of the palace, the crowd had already dispersed. I was a little suspicious that he was being incredibly attentive so that he could get rid of his admirers. Rowali was happy enough to follow. Her face had started to relax. Her arms were loose on the side, hands no longer trying to comfort each other. She was skipping about, as well. Still so young and resilient.

Francilia had also managed to find where we were. She quickly whispered her fear in my ear. She was supposed to accompany me wherever I went.

“I am with my husband,” I assured her.

She seemed a little taken aback. I could swear there was a little bit of sadness on her face as she realized that the two of us were no longer an inseparable pair. Oh, how I wished she were there before I foolishly made a rendezvous with Thomas on that fateful night. I needed saving, then. Perhaps, I needed saving now, but at least Metheus was safe from me.

The afternoon was pleasant enough. Metheus even taught me to use the bow and arrow after doing some rounds of swordplay with his knights. It took more strength than I thought it would. He had made it look so effortless. However, I was not the sort to give up. I focused all my energy on my slender arms. My first few strikes did not even stick to the target. The arrows dropped miserably to the grass below, raising my temperature. However, I would not let my growing temper tantrum get the best of me.

“I will try again,” I said through gritted teeth.

He made a small gesture with his hand that meant to go ahead. Francilia’s demeanor had changed from disappointment to pleasure as the day grew long. She had probably seen how patient Metheus was with me.

Then, there it was. I finally struck an arrow that stuck to the board. My eyes widened with disbelief. I waited for the arrow to fall just like the rest, but it stayed. I screamed with delight. It was received with an awkward silence that I clamped my mouth shut.

“Was that – was that okay?”

“Of course, it is,” grinned Metheus. “You did well!”

Then, when he wrapped his arms around me, I felt relieved. I felt at home.


It was different in the privacy of our bedroom. Metheus’ mood shifted again. He had undressed for the night but sat on one of the ottomans, several feet away from me.

“What is it?” I was afraid to ask, but I must. “Is your father alright?”

“He is having a jolly time in his chambers,” he said, a glint of humor sparked in his eyes. Then, he looked almost melancholy. It wrenched my heart to see him like that. We had become almost like friends. Almost. Except he was not the sort I wanted to be a mere companion or friend. This realization was frightening to me. Even Thomas has not made me feel that way. Perhaps I was too young, then?

“What is wrong, then?”

“Luella, I have been thinking about the new arrangement you want. You are right. I have no reason to balk from my duties as your husband. You will not be a danger to me.”

“Duties?” I echoed, feeling hollow.

“Yes, duties. We can still give our families the heirs they are expected to have. After all, what a shame when they could be heirs to two domains from two continents?” He tried to make it lighthearted, but he seemed uncertain. Sad? Could it be Prince Metheus of Prozeus be vulnerable about something?

My pride held on to me like a vise, putting me in place. However, I shrugged it off. It was not the time for that, as I saw how my husband was at least trying something.

I went to him and sat by his feet, the lowest I could place myself before him. He might not love me, but he was willing to take a journey he was uncomfortable with. I took his hand and placed it on my cheek.

“I do not know how to give you whatever your lover could,” he finally said.

My body suddenly felt cold, my throat tight, and my vision blurred. What was he trying to tell me? He had been trying to tell me this all along. It was one little sentence, and I felt it carried so many things: confession, regret, and even accusation.
