Page 68 of Firebird

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“What about His Majesty, King Metheus?” asked Cora.

I reminded myself that just as she knew and loved King Doro long before I did, she knew and loved Metheus before I had ever heard of him.

“He is fine for now, planning. Investigating.”

“He wants revenge,” Eli said.

“Not just revenge, but he wants to protect himself and his family. It is why we are here, Rowali and I.”

I could see the truth of my new relationship with my husband dawning on Razuku. A small, sad smile played on his lips.

“We will protect you here, Your Majesty, but I feel like you can protect yourself and us better. We are mere mortals, Cora, Eli, and me,” Razuku declared.

“When you do decide for us to come and join King Metheus in his fight, we will be there for you,” Cora promised. “We know some people who may be able to help.”

“Oh, that would be wonderful,” I said, a little confused. They said they were mortals with no powers, but they claimed to be connected to some forces that could help.

“I know what you are thinking, Your Majesty. What is it that these mere mortals can do?” Razuku said. He did not look offended, however. Still, I felt terrible about possibly hurting their feelings.

“No, it is not that, Razuku.”

“We do not mind, Your Majesty. But one thing that King Metheus might not have told you is that we are close, almost like brothers, because my family came from Rama. His mother was a Rama princess, and my mother was her lady-in-waiting.”

“Eli and I are from Rama, as well, Your Majesty. Since we were young, I have loved King Metheus, but people had always told me that I aimed too high. My mother, too, was a servant of his mother’s,” Cora added.

My heart warmed at her willingness to cooperate out of her love for Metheus. I felt that she deserved him more than I did. Or did I? I still struggle with the understanding of love. Would it mean giving up everything for a person? Risking your life?

Then, was I not planning to fight alongside him to the death? However, love came in many forms. Friends and family could risk everything for you, but their love was different. Yet, I knew that the truth had been staring at me for a long time.

I loved him.

He was not just my lover, but he was someone I had fallen in love with.

“How can your people from Rama help?” I asked, eager to know more about this kingdom.

“Rama people are known for consorting with gods and demigods,” Razuku explained. “Because of this, we used to have several fire stealers. However, many of them had burned themselves from too much taking and taking.”

“Wait, what does it mean for Metheus?” I asked, my voice cracking.

“Oh. You know,” Razuku said.

“Yes, I know.”

“They have consummated their marriage,” Cora said sadly.

Francilia looked at her sharply, but I held my lady-in-waiting’s arm to assure her it was alright. Cora had the right to mourn. She had loved Metheus for far too long.

“Metheus is the most controlled person I know,” Razuku said. It was meant to soothe me, but it did not. “What I was trying to say earlier was that these fire stealers are often demigods.”

“How could that be? Is he not the son of King Doro and Queen Erani?”

“Queen Erani is a medium. She was the only one in the family with ties to the spiritual world. Many say her mother had an assignation with a god.”


I wondered if Metheus suspected that he might have been descended from a god.

“We need to find more of them in Rama. However, they are becoming rarer and rarer. Mostly, because of self-destruction or an encounter with the Ninurta.”

“I have heard of the Ninurta.”

“The Ninurta steals everything. Powers, moisture, and anything that it can get.”
