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“Oh, I accepted long ago that you would only ever be viscount and your children no better. But if you could find even better grandparents for your children, just think how much more opportunity they will have access to.”

“My children need no other opportunity than I can provide for them,” Cam protested before tempering his response. “I am fully confident that my cousins will be happy to look out for my children and provide whatever helping hand they might be able to lend, as well.”

“But another duchy or principality in the family would be that much better than an earldom,” Lady Eastwood argued. “And Sherton doesn’t even have an heir, so your friend is bringing nothing to your union.” Her disdainful tone as she expressed this left nothing to Cam’s imagination as to his mother’s true feelings on the matter.

“She is bringing a big heart and an intelligent mind and a large, loving family, even if there’s no direct heir. Our children could do far worse.”

Lady Eastwood stared at him for an age, but her expression of horrified fascination slowly morphed into a pleased smile.

“I do long to be a grandmother, Camden. I will do my best to be happy with your offspring no matter who their mother might be. And if you think she is the one for you, I will be delighted to see you wed sooner rather than later.”

Cam blinked and stared at his mother. “And you will cease ignoring her? In fact, you will welcome her?” He meant to make his tone emphatic rather than questioning, but he was feeling a little overwhelmed with the development as it was. He hadn’t had any intention of declaring himself to his mother when he hadn’t even declared himself to the girl in question.

“Of course, Camden, I would not be so ill-bred as to be unwelcoming to my new daughter.”

Cam grinned. His mother might change her tone, but she wouldn’t actually change. The words sounded right, but her haughty attitude was still alive and well. Cam was certain Hilaria would be up to the challenge.

But he wasn’t sure if he would be able to convince her to actually accept his suit. Even though he now knew her true motivation for wanting to wed a duke, he wasn’t sure if he would be able to convince her to take a chance on a viscount. Even if he was a viscount with multiple properties and holdings who would love nothing more than to accept her partnership in the running of them.

“If you’ll excuse me, Mother, I have to be somewhere.”

“But you have only just arrived.”

“I will return,” he promised even as he was calling for his carriage to be brought back around.


Hilaria was wandering disconsolately through the house when a knock resounded throughout the large building, bringing a frown to her face. She was too far away from the stairs to be able to run up to her bedroom. With a shake of her head, she admonished herself. It was unlikely the caller was for her anyway, so it was ridiculous that she was worrying about not wanting to see anyone.

And then she heard Camden’s voice and hurried from the room she realized she was hiding in.

“What are you doing back here? Did you forget something when you were here earlier?”

“In a manner of speaking. I’ve called to speak with your father. I forgot to do it earlier.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I don’t think he’s available. I’m fairly certain he’s still at the House.” Hilaria glanced toward the butler for confirmation. His slight nod had her turning back to the viscount. “Would you care to leave a message for him?”

Strangely, Hilaria felt as though a flock of butterflies had taken up residence in her midsection, although she couldn’t explain why she was feeling nervous excitement. Camden was her friend; she had grown comfortable with him. Besides, he wasn’t even there to see her, so there was no reason for her to be nervous or excited. She watched him expectantly.

“Could I speak with you in private for a moment, in that case?”

Hilaria was so focused on Camden that she hadn’t noticed her mother’s arrival upon the scene and so she nearly jumped out of her skin when the countess spoke from right behind her.

“You can have up to fifteen minutes in the front receiving room, but the door must remain open,” she decreed with an expression upon her face that was a strange mixture of censorious and excited, which made Hilaria fight laughter. “Do not forget that we are to attend the Farthingham rout this evening, Hilaria.”

Hil barely nodded as she preceded Camden into the room her mother had indicated. Everything was feeling surreal, and she wasn’t sure how to act. Busily admonishing herself for being ridiculous, she wasn’t expecting the viscount to be immediately behind her when she turned around.

“Oh!” she exclaimed. “I didn’t expect you to be there,” she stammered. “Would you care to have a seat?” Hilaria frowned as he paced away from her a few strides before returning and grasping her hands.

His searching gaze warmed her face, so she returned it with an examination of her own.

“Has something happened?” Hilaria asked, becoming worried.

Finally he broke his unusual silence. “No, not yet,” Cam replied with a soft smile. “I’ve just come to my senses. Or perhaps lost them,” he added with a laugh. “I probably should have waited until another time. I definitely should have spoken to your father first.”

“What is it? What’s happening?”

When Camden glanced down at their joined hands, Hilaria realized that he was still holding hers. She tried to pull out of his grasp, but he tightened his grip without hurting her.
