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Felicity stared at Gracie for a moment before her face appeared to crumple. “Oh, dear heavens, Grace, do say it isn’t so. I have feared that I am too unconventional to be able to steer her correctly.”

“Don’t get yourself into a taking, my dear, there’s plenty of time. And while it is true that you have chosen to be unconventional, I cannot accept that you do not know what is the correct form of behaviour. It is for you and His Grace to decide what you consider acceptable and teach your children accordingly. But even if you decide that you consider some things acceptable that Society in general might not, it would behove you to help Adelina see the differences, so that her way is more comfortable when she does enter Society.”

Felicity continued to stare at her little sister. “How did you come to be so wise?”

Grace laughed and shrugged. “I’ve had some wonderful role models to follow. One that I can think of in particular,” she added fondly, as she once again reached out to squeeze her sister’s hand. “Don’t take it too much to heart. I doubt Sterling even really remarked upon it. But I was feeling particularly sensitive and noticed. I am sure you will know just what to do.”

Felicity didn’t appear completely appeased but nodded in acceptance of her sister’s words.

“Thank you for coming to visit us, Gracie. Do say you can extend your stay. I think it will do all of us some good.”

Gracie felt a qualm of nerves over her sister’s words, but there was truly no reason for her not to accept. “Of course, I’ll stay,” was the only possible answer, and she said it with as much goodwill as she could muster, unable to explain, even to herself, why she would hesitate in the least.

By the next afternoon, it was obvious she had made the right choice.

Rathnelly had ridden out first thing in the morning before Grace had even risen from her bed, so she had no opportunity to bid her brother-in-law farewell. The rest of the household was in an uproar by the time Gracie emerged from her bedchamber.

“What is afoot?” she asked the butler as servants seemed to quiver about the house.

“His young lordship, Easton, has taken ill. The nursery staff didn’t think to disturb Their Graces with the information until after His Grace had already left the House. Now, Her Grace is in the nursery worrying herself ill over the children.”

Gracie stared at the servant, wondering how she ought to proceed. Clearly, some direction was needed. She didn’t feel in the least qualified to run Rathnelly, but if her sister was too distracted to do it, she would have to take over.

“Mr. Carter, I am fully confident in your ability to straighten things out amongst the staff. I can understand their worry for the boy, but it is unlikely to be anything too serious. Children get sick all the time. Surely, it cannot be such a rare occurrence here with three of them in residence.”

“I mean no disrespect in contradicting you, but it is exceedingly rare, my lady, as the children haven’t been in residence for very long, and the entire household is that upset.”

Gracie nibbled on her lip in indecision for the briefest moment but feeling the hopeful gaze of the butler upon her, she nodded firmly and set to work.

“Very well, Mr. Carter. I can understand everyone’s concern, in that case, but that doesn’t change the fact that Their Graces will be relying upon the staff all the more, especially if there is reason to be concerned. So, you must offer some words of encouragement to those under you and assure them that their efforts are most needed. I will run up to the nursery and confer with my sister. We can then determine what our best course of action might be.”

To her surprise, the older man appeared to visibly relax. Grace had the impression that he had just been waiting for someone to tell him what to do. Now that Gracie had taken charge, all was right in the man’s world, and he would do as she had bidden. It was more responsibility than Grace had ever taken on, but it wasn’t completely out of her realm of experience. While Rathnelly was far larger than Glendale, it wasn’t that much different. With Felicity’s attention elsewhere and their mother focused on her new-born son, Grace had assumed many of their mother’s responsibilities over the past few years. It shouldn’t be that difficult to oversee a few things at Rathnelly, should the need arise. With that thought, she bolstered her nerves and hurried up the stairs to check with her sister.

“My lady, you cannot go in there.” The footman stopped her just as she was about to enter the nursery suite.

“I beg your pardon?” She shouldn’t have spoken sharply to the poor young man, as he appeared near to a breakdown for speaking so harshly to her.

“My sincerest apologies, my lady, but Her Grace has said no one is to enter. She doesn’t know yet what has befallen Lord Easton, and she fears it might be catching.”

“Has someone been sent to collect the doctor?” Grace asked, as calmly as she could.

“Yes, my lady. A footman went out about half an hour ago.”

“Very well, then. We shan’t get ourselves in a taking until the doctor has told us whether or not we ought to be concerned. Are you certain my sister meant to include me in the edict that no one should enter?”

The young footman nodded. “She mentioned you specifically, my lady. She said you ought to knock on the door, and she’ll tell you what to do through it.”

Grace fought her amusement over that. Even in her distress, her sister was as bossy as ever. “Thank you, Thomas. I will do just that.”

She hesitated briefly as she hovered outside the door, wondering if she ought to knock hard or be gentle. She started with a light tap, not wanting to disturb young Easton if he was resting. Felicity must have been hovering nearby as she responded almost immediately.

“Is that you, Gracie?”

“It is me. I’m sorry to hear Easton is feeling poorly.”

“The poor mite is terribly sick.”

“Are you holding up all right?” Gracie thought to ask, remembering that her sister wasn’t the best person to have in a sickroom, as she was the picture of health and had no patience for illness in herself. Grace couldn’t imagine that her sister would have patience for it in someone else, either.
