Page 101 of The Hookup Plan

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“Those details aren’t important,” he said. “Whatisimportant is that she’s taking some time out from the meetings she’s holding with one of the tech companies here so that she can meet withyouat County when you return from your mandatory vacation on Monday. You’re going to give her a tour of the pediatric floor, and she’s going to consult on the new sensory room.”

London felt her mouth take on an O shape in slow motion. She covered her chest with her hand.

“Drew,” she whispered. “How did you…? What did you say to get her to agree to this?”

“I told you I would make this happen for you,” he said.

London refused to call what she was feeling love. Lovedid nothappen this quickly. But this was, by far, the closest thing she’d ever felt to love.

She was ready to fall in love with Drew Sullivan. Not because of the things he did for her, but why he did them. He knew what this sensory room meant to her. That he would go the extra mile of securing a meeting with the authority on the subject meant everything.

London clamped his cheeks in her hands and pressed her lips to his.

“I don’t know what to say,” she said. “And coming from me, that’s huge.”

“Don’t I know it,” Drew said with a laugh. But then he sobered, his face taking on a serious expression. “There are a lot of tough decisions that have to be made at County, but your sensory room isn’t one of them. You’ve worked hard for it and you deserve to see it come to fruition. Your patients deserve it.”

Yet, if she went with the fellowship in Chicago, she wouldn’t be there when it was all done.

A heaviness settled deep in her bones. She’d spent the past several months mulling over what to do post-residency. She’d even made up one of Samiah’s notorious pros-and-cons lists. Both were pretty equal on paper, but when she added weight to each item, the con side was winning.

And that was before she added this newest factor to the mix. If Drew managed to convince the hospital board of directors to green-light the sensory room, she could just throw the entire list in the trash. There was no way any of the pros for moving to Chicago could win out.

She brushed her thumb along his strong jawline, slight shivers running down her spine at the sensation of his stubble against her skin.

“Thank you,” London said. “I never allowed myself to consider that you would make this happen. I’m just so used to being let down and having to do things on my own.”

“I’m a man of my word, London.” He brushed her hair back from her face and cupped her cheek in his palm. “If I make a promise to you, know that I will keep it.”


Drew followed a few feet behind the two doctors, listening intently as London gave Susan Hemingway a detailed account of what she hoped to accomplish with the sensory room. It was obvious based on the other doctor’s reaction that London had done her homework, which didn’t surprise him in the least.

Whatdidsurprise him was how awestruck London seemed by Dr. Hemingway.

Normally, London Kelley’s confidence was an entity unto itself—the kind that came with knowing that you were the smartest person in the room. It was refreshing to see her engaged in this little display of hero worship. She wanted to impress the doctor from Seattle, and Drew had no doubts she had.

Exuberance radiated from her as she described her plan of action, rattling off idea after idea. Drew was mesmerized. He could tell by her enthusiasm that her passion for this sensory room didn’t come from a place of ego—even though completing a project as ambitious as this one would be a huge feather in the cap of any surgical resident.

But it wasn’t about that for London. She wasn’t doing this because it would look good on her résumé. This was 100 percent about doing what she thought was best for her patients.

Everything she did at this hospital was for her patients, even if it ruffled the feathers of some of the most powerful people here. London didn’t back down from the fight, she brought it.

He’d had no choice but to fall hard for her. How could he not?

Drew did his best to keep a running tally of expenses in his head as London outlined her vision. It would take about fifty grand to design the space to her compromised specifications, but that was more than doable, especially because they wouldn’t have to build anything from the ground up. Her plan was to repurpose this underutilized room on the pediatric floor.

Drew was now convinced that the only reason it hadn’t been approved by the hospital’s administration yet was that Frederick Coleman had personally vetoed the idea. The amount of evidence-based research London had to back up her efforts to customize this room made it a no-brainer.

She ushered them to an area that was currently being used to house decommissioned medical equipment. “And this space is what I call the ‘Feel Good’ spot. There will be numerous textures used on surfaces throughout the room, but I also want to create a corner that specifically addresses tactile sensory issues,” London explained. “It will include weighted vests and blankets. I’ve even run across weighted stuffed animals and other toys.”

“Those are popular with kids,” Dr. Hemingway said. “Combining the tactile features with the proper auditory and visual components will go a long way in making this space a calm environment for both patients and their parents before surgery. What measures are you all taking now for patients with sensory issues?”

“We provide teddy bears for the kids to hold on their way to the operating room. It’s so ridiculously inadequate,” London said. “We can andshouldbe doing so much more. I’ve been pushing for County to create this sensory room for several years now.” She looked over at Drew and smiled. “I am so grateful that it is finally being seriously considered.”

It would be foolish to read anything more into that look she directed at him, but he wanted her love too much not to see it reflected in her eyes. There was more than just gratitude there. Even if she wasn’t ready to say the words, Drew felt them. He felt her love every time she peeled back another layer of herself and allowed him to get closer. This was no longer one-sided. It was real.

All three of them turned at the sound of the door opening. Frederick Coleman walked into the room.
