Page 116 of The Hookup Plan

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But then London remembered that this world-renowned surgeon wanted her here. She’d instructed an entire team of world-renowned surgeons to pull out all the stops to convince London to accept their fellowship offer.

She decided to be straight with her.

“I’ve narrowed it down to this fellowship in Chicago and continuing to practice at Travis County Hospital in Austin,” London said.

“Hmm,” Mayberry murmured. She took a slow, deliberate sip from her cup as she turned her attention to the view outside the window. Then she set the coffee down in front of her and returned that laser focus back to London.

“It will be difficult for you not to take this the wrong way,” the doctor continued. “But I’m going to say it anyway. Your talents are wasted at Travis County Hospital.”

“Excuse me,” London said again, but in a tone totally opposite from her previous one. She had mad respect for a pioneer like Eveline Mayberry, but she was obsessively protective of the hospital that had nurtured her these past five years. She wouldn’t allow anyone to shit on County, no matter how much of a legend they were.

“Dr. Kelley, there are surgeons finishing residencies all around the country who can step into your role at the hospital in Austin, and your patients would not suffer one bit. However, there are very few who are worthy of the work my team and I are doing here.Youare one of them.”

“Look.” London folded her hands on the table. “I appreciate that you think so highly of my skills. Wait—I’m sorry, that sounded incredibly arrogant.”

“Don’t apologize. You’ve earned the right to be arrogant. Embrace it and don’t let anyone tell you differently.”

London sat up straighter at the older woman’s pronouncement. She could only imagine what Eveline Mayberry had faced in her forty-plus years in medicine. How hard she’d had to fight for respect. How many male counterparts she’d come up against who tried to dim her light.

London had been able to shine so bright because of doctors like Eveline Mayberry paving the way. She would indeed embrace that which she had earned.

“Thank you for seeing the value of my work,” London said, rephrasing her previous statement.

Dr. Mayberry nodded as if to say,That’s more like it.

“However,” London continued. “I believe that I have been a unique asset to Travis County Hospital. Austin is my home. The people I serve there, some of them have become like family. I also have to consider my actual family,” she said. “There are many factors that will go into my decision.”

“I understand that,” Dr. Mayberry said. “But when I see talent like yours, I’m compelled to fight for it. I want to cultivate every morsel of the gift you’ve been given so that you can reach your full potential, Dr. Kelley.” She drained the rest of her coffee, stood, and indicated that London should do the same. “I will campaign on behalf of this hospital until you make your decision, but no matter where you choose to further your career, I hope you stay in touch.” She gestured toward the door to the lounge. “Ah, there he is. I knew Bruce would be lurking.”

Dr. Mayberry turned to London and held out her hand. “It has been a pleasure. I hope I can welcome you here soon.”

And then she marched her tiny frame out of the lounge, leaving a sense of fear and awe in her wake.

By the time London arrived back at the Drake Hotel hours later, she was both mentally and physically exhausted. She had a ticket for a boat ride on the Chicago River, but her chances of making it were a negative eighty-five. She was going to order ridiculously expensive room service—which she would charge to her own credit card—and binge-watch episodes ofDatelineon the ID channel.

She had managed to make her way to Navy Pier, both to see the famed tourist spot and to think over the massively difficult decision she had to make. But the crisp Chicago air had done nothing to clear her head. And as she entered the hotel, she wasn’t any closer to making a decision than she had been for the past three months.

“Why are you even questioning this?” London muttered.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with one of the most renowned surgeons in the country—a surgeon fighting tooth and nail to bring London onto her team. Meanwhile, London had a money-strapped hospital with an administration she constantly butted heads with back in Austin. The decision should be the simplest of her life.

And maybe it would have been, if she hadn’t received that text from Nina about an hour ago.

Her little sister wanted to remind her about the volleyball match next Saturday. London’s first instinct had been to tell her that she wouldn’t be able to attend, but there was no way she could disappoint Nina this soon after making the promise to be there for her.

London climbed the stairs leading to the lobby floor of the Drake. She stopped short at the sight of the man sitting on one of the tufted, cream-colored couches.

“Drew Sullivan, what are you doing here?”


Drew was on his feet the moment he heard London’s voice. His heart lurched in his chest at the sight of her. It had only been two days, but it felt like a millennium.

He had not seen her since she left his apartment Thursday evening, after he’d broken the news to her about the malpractice suit and the impact it was likely to have on several projects at the hospital—including her sensory room. Before he could offer up alternative solutions, Samantha had interrupted with that call from B. J., which turned out not to be as much of an emergency as Drew had first guessed. Although news that the urgent care outfit in Kansas City had chosen Trident over Meacham was a reason for them all to celebrate.

But Drew hadn’t been in the mood to pop champagne bottles. Setting things right with London had been the only thing on his mind.

She had been tied up in a string of back-to-back-to-back surgeries the next day, and when he’d texted her an invitation to dinner, she replied with the news that she couldn’t because she would be flying up to Chicago the following morning to speak with the hospital that had been courting her for their fellowship program.
