Page 4 of The Hookup Plan

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“Have you seen the spread inDwellings?” Tabitha asked, her perkiness dialed up several notches. “There’s a four-page feature on Drew’s amazing apartment in New York. He can see Central Park from his bathroom!”

“Quite the selling point. Is that how the real estate broker reeled you in?” London asked.

Drew flashed her another of those grins that were much too devastating for her peace of mind as he scribbled his name across Tabitha’s magazine.

“The magazine calls it the quintessential bachelor pad. Although, I must say that I’m surprised you’re still a bachelor, Drew,” Tabitha said, heavy on the eye smolder.

It took every modicum of restraint London had not to gag.

“Here you go,” Drew said, handing the magazine to Tabitha.

Once their classmate had gone off with her prized possession, he turned his attention back to London. Hooking a thumb in Tabitha’s direction, he said, “If you want a copy of the magazine, I can get you one. It really is a nice spread.”

“Maybe once the weather gets a little colder. I can use it as kindling in my fireplace.”

He slapped his hand to his chest. “Still slinging those daggers, huh?”

“When you’re good at something…” She shrugged. “And as much as I would love to stand here shooting the shit with you all night—not—I need to make sure that no one is taking more than one favor. By the way, I only ordered enough for those who preregistered for the reunion, so you can’t have one.”

“But those blue-and-orange mugs match my kitchen so well,” he said.

London rolled her eyes. “Once a smart-ass, always a smart-ass.”

“Takes one to know one.”

She started to leave, but Drew stopped her.

“The favors are fine,” he said. “Take a minute to breathe. You can’t be everywhere at once.”

“What makes you think—”

He cut her off. “It’s been fifteen years, but Iknowyou, London Kelley. You probably haven’t stopped moving all night. Just chill for a minute. Tell me how things have been going for you.”

“Why do you even want to know?”

“Because this is a class reunion and you’re a former classmate. That’s what people do at these things, right?”

Sure, that’s why he wanted to catch up. London was tempted to play along just to see how long it took him to throw his outrageous success in her face. She could totally see him pretending to answer a text just so he could inadvertently click onto his banking app and “mistakenly” show her his bank balance.

Instead, it washerphone that buzzed with a text. London slipped it from her pocket and swiped her thumb across the screen. Her eyes grew wide as she read the text from her coworker, Dr. Aleshia Williams.

Oh. My. God.

“Don’t go keeping all the good news to yourself,” Drew said.

London jerked her phone away, even though there was no way he could see the screen from where he stood. “How did you know it was good news?”

“Because you just told me.” His arrogant smile was both irritating and kind of cute.

Ugh. She always hated the fact that she found Drew attractive. She’d tried to convince herself that he looked good only if she was tired and squinted her eyes a little, but facts were facts. This bastard was gorgeous.

“And also because your eyes lit up as you read the text,” Drew continued. “What has you grinning? I’m not used to seeing a smile on your face.”

“You haven’t seen me in fifteen years. You’re not used to seeing my face. Period.”

He lifted his brow in a look that said he was becoming bored with this conversation. “Are you going to share your news, or what?”

“Fine. Nosy ass,” London muttered. She shot a quick reply to her colleague, then slipped her phone back into her pocket. “You know that I’m a pediatric surgeon, right?”
