Page 99 of The Hookup Plan

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“You need to watch your tone, London.”

“And you need to stop usingmyaccomplishments to denigrate my little sister. Howdareyou!”

Kenneth folded his arms across his chest. That superior look on his face grated the last of London’s nerves.

“Nina doesn’t apply herself,” he said. “You should take my comparing her to you as a compliment.”

“Thenerveof you,” London gasped. “When was the last time you complimentedmeabout anything? The only time you care about what I do is when you can use it to make yourself look good to your friends.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe I wasted so much energy on you. I’ve spent my life just trying to get on your radar. But you know what? I’m done. I no longer care whether you’re proud of me. I no longer care what you think. Period. But I will not stand by while you manipulate my sisters the way you did me.”

“You are not going to speak to me this way in my own home,” Kenneth said.

“Actually, I will,” London said.

Don’t!her mind screamed, but the last thing London wanted to do right now was listen to the reasonable part of her conscience.

“I’ve never told you this because you are my father, and at one time Ithoughtthat granted you at least a bit of respect, but you don’t deserve any respect. You are a chauvinistic, sexist asshole. You treat your daughters like they’re shit on the bottom of your shoe.” She pointed toward the door. “I don’t understand how you convinced those two intelligent women out there to even give you the time of day. Because you bring home a big paycheck? Because you play in some stupid cover band?

“And you know what else? I don’t understand what kind of twisted psychology goes on in that brain of yours where you think showing your daughters any kind of affection or even just…just simple regard…makes you less of a man. It’s sick.You’resick. And you are no longer worth my time.

“Oh, and thanks for the hypertension. Because you may not have given me any attention, but you did give me your shitty genes.”

“Are you finished?” Kenneth enunciated the words slowly. Coldly.

Fuck youwas on the tip of her tongue, but apparently somewhere in her heart, she had a modicum of self-preservation.

Instead, London raised her hands in anI’m donegesture.

“You will not disrespect me in my home,” he said. “I want you to leave.”

London didn’t say another word. She simply turned and walked out of the room.

“Where’s Miles?” she asked when she entered the family room, where April was stuffing the piñata with candy.

“Right here!” her baby brother said, coming up behind London.

London turned and did her best to smile. “Honey, I hate to miss your party, but I have to go.”

“But I thought—” Janette started. The look London shot her way shut down whatever she was about to say.

London reached into her purse and pulled out the birthday card with a hundred-dollar bill tucked inside. “I promise to make it up to you,” she whispered into his ear as she leaned over for a kiss.

London felt her dad’s presence as he walked into the room. She ignored him.

“Have fun at the party,” she said to the room in general.

Then she walked out the door.


London left the party on autopilot, getting into her car and driving straight to Drew’s apartment. She sat behind the wheel of her Mini and sent him a text.

I’m outside. Bad, bad day. Can I come up?

He was waiting for her in the lobby of the building when she walked through the sliding glass doors. She walked straight into his waiting embrace, both stunned and relieved at how at home she felt in his arms.

But she shouldn’t feel stunned anymore. Over these past few weeks Drew had proven to be a steady, calming presence in her world.

“How does a party for a nine-year-old put you in this kind of mood?” Drew asked.
