Page 12 of Ask Me To Stay

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“Sorry. My brother named him. Taco was his dog until a year ago. His job kept him too busy to take care of him, so I took him in. He already knew his name,” he shrugged, “I didn’t want to change it.”

“Un huh.” I pressed my lips together and nodded. “Seems he has selective hearing when it comes to you. You said you were here for the summer. Where are you staying?” I couldn’t believe I was being so forward.

“Right down there.” He pointed to the left of us. “My house is the blue one with the white deck.”

“Are the Bradshaws renting it for the whole summer?” I stared at the house that occupied so many of my fantasies.

“Um, no.” He looked confused. “It’s my house. I own it. How do you know the Bradshaws?” He looked amused.

“I used to hang out there a lot when I was kid,” I murmured, lost in thought.

“Wait!” He touched my arm. “Willow?” He stared at me, and I pushed my sunglasses up on top of my head.

“Yeeaaahhh?” I began to scrutinize his face.

“Wow.” He shook his head. “It’s Russ.” He started laughing. “I can’t believe this. You are…wow.”

“Is that a good wow, or bad wow?” I flipped the sunglasses back down, and watched as a myriad of emotions rolled across his face.

“A good? I think?” He ran his fingers through his hair. It was darker now, a chocolate brown. His blue eyes were almost the same color as the ocean. His frame was taller, leaner, and more muscular. He looked like Casey did the last time I saw him. “I can’t believe it’s you. It’s been what? Like six years? How have you been?”

“Hello?” Aimee tapped my arm.

“Sorry, you remember Aimee.” I motioned to her before going back to Russ.

“Hey.” He waved. It was then that Taco started whining and pawing at Russ. “Listen, I need to get him home. It’s lunchtime. Why don’t you both come over later? We can catch up, and I’ll grill something.” He stood and so did Taco.

“Um, ok.” I smiled. “Wow, just wow.” He shook his head again in disbelief. “So, like six, ok?”

“See you at six.” Aimee nodded.

“Sounds good. Come on, boy,” Russ called as he started walking toward his house and Taco followed.


I stood facing the suitcase, staring at the clothing choices I had. Nothing seemed appropriate. If this was a date, I’d go with a dress or skirt, but Russ has always been a friend. He was like my brother, and that made this so much harder. He looked different, hot even, but my brain couldn’t get passed the fact that he was still Russ.

“What are you wearing?” Aimee’s head popped through the doorway. She still had a towel wrapped around her, and her wet hair was hanging limply on her shoulders.

“I don’t know.” I sighed. “Shorts, I guess.” I shrugged as I tossed the shorts I’d worn to the store the night before on the bed. “It’s Russ. He doesn’t want to date me, I know this.”

“How do you know this?” Aimee came the rest of the way into the room, and placed her hands on her hips.

“Because he had years to date me, and never once tried to.” I furrowed my brows.

“Maybe he never thought you’d be interested.” She shrugged.

“Maybe.” I dug around until my hands landed on a blue tank. “This. This is what I’m wearing.” I tossed it on the bed, and then rummaged for a bra. “Can you go? I need to put this on.” I pointed to the door.

“See you in the living room in twenty.” She laughed as she made her way back to my parents’ room. It still gave me the skeeves that she was staying in there.

“Don’t rush me,” I called to her back.



I still can’t believe that the girl on the beach was Willow. I haven’t seen her since we were sixteen. She spent that summer pining after my brother. She thought I didn’t know, but it was so obvious that she liked him. I used to pretend that it was me she wanted. She looks different now. Her body has more curves. I don’t blame Taco for wanting to be around her instead of me. If I was him, I’d do the same thing.
