Page 47 of Ask Me To Stay

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“I think maybe we should change, and then a day on the beach plotting Casey’s demise.” I tossed Casey’s keys in the air. “First, I wanna take care of this.” I lifted the wet shirt over her head and tossed it to the side as I led her into the bedroom. “That was a rude way to wake up, and I want to show you how bad I feel about it.” I winked as I lifted her into my arms, and deposited her in the middle of the bed.


“I think you should stop this sophomoric behavior and just enjoy these last few days. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed pranking Casey, but I want to do stuff with you.” Her head rolled to the side. We were sitting on beach chairs in front of the house just relaxing. It was easy to fall asleep due to our early wakeup, and I’ve dozed off a few times already.

“I know. I just get aggravated with him. It’s been like this since we were kids, and it never stops.” I sighed.

“Maybe he just wants to spend time with you. He’s using this prank war as a way to do that. Do you guys spend a lot of time together during the school year?” She pushed her sunglasses up on her head.

“Not really. We don’t live that close. It’s almost an hour drive from my condo to his house.” I shrugged.

“He came down to cheer you up. Finding me here wasn’t part of his plan. Maybe we should go easy on him.” Her nose scrunched as if she was really thinking about it.

“You might be right about you being here, but the rest I’m not so sure about.” I turned to watch down the beach. Casey had run off this morning and still wasn’t back. I wondered where he’d gone, and was starting to get a little concerned.

“I’m going to go for a swim to cool off. Wanna join?” Willow stood and stretched.

“Sounds nice.” I yawned. I did not want to fall asleep again. What if Casey came back?

We ran out to the water, and kicked at the shallow waves as we made our way past the breakers. The water was warm now that summer was coming to a close. This was always the depressing time of year for me. Knowing that I was going to have to go home to reality was slowly slapping me in the face. We splashed one another and bobbed over the rollers until the water cooled us. “Let’s head back. We have a little while before we’ll need to get cleaned up. I’m taking you out tonight, Miss Archer.” I smiled at her.

“Ok, but don’t call me that. That’s what my students call me.” She wrinkled her nose.

“I’ll be your student. I’m sure there are things you can teach me.” I wagged my brows.

“You’re terrible.” She kicked at the water, splashing me as we walked to the sand.

“What’s in our chairs?” She turned to me as she held her hand to her brow to block the sun.

“Not sure.” I could see something orange and yellow sitting on the seat of each chair. As we got closer, I figured out what it was.

“He’s giving us weapons.” I shook my head as Willow sped up, not knowing what she walking in to. “He’s hiding somewhere close, and this is to make it fair.” I lifted the squirt gun and checked to make sure it was already filled. It was in that moment that Casey jumped out from behind the stairs Rambo style and took aim. “Say hello to my little friend,” he shouted as pulled the trigger, attempting to soak us. We’d just come out of the ocean though, so it didn’t really matter. Casey, on the other hand, was in street clothes and had everything to lose. Willow went one way, and I went the other, trapping him. We both opened fired, soaking his clothes. After a few minutes, we ran out of water, and called a truce.

“You two are perfect for each other.” Casey panted as we climbed the stairs. “I’m glad he finally got his head out of his ass and made a move.” He patted me as he talked to Willow. “What on the agenda for later?”

“We’re going out.” Willow smiled.

“You wanna join?” I tossed it out. Willow had me feeling bad after what she’d been saying earlier.

“As long as it’s not crabcakes, I’m game.” Casey laughed.

“Let’s get cleaned up, and then we’ll talk.” I laughed as I wrapped my arm around Willow’s shoulders and headed for the bathroom.

“Deal.” Casey waved as he turned toward the stairs.
