Page 51 of Ask Me To Stay

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“You moved here?” I was still in a daze over all this new info.

“Yeah. I moved for us. I love you. I wanna spend every night with you in my arms. I don’t wanna have phone sex anymore. I wanna have real sex.” He chuckled. “I got a new job. I bought a house for us. I want you with me. Always.” He stepped closer, and I couldn’t help but launch myself into his arms.

“I love you, too.” I pressed my lips to his. “I love you so much, but you gotta ask me to stay.” I giggled.

He slowly set me down, letting my feet get settled under me before stepping back. "Willow Archer? Will you marry me?" He pulled a box from his pocket. “I know this isn’t the most romantic spot, but I can’t wait any longer. I knew you were it when we were twelve. I’ve been waiting for the right time, and here we are. Move in with me. Make me an honest man. I’m asking you to stay, please?” He opened the box, revealing the most beautiful diamond I’d ever seen. It wasn’t the biggest, but it was from Russ, and he loved me, that was what mattered.

“Yes! I love you, too.” I buried my nose in his chest as he wrapped me in his arms. When I pulled back, he slipped the diamond on my finger. It caught the sunlight and reflected a small rainbow on the ceiling. I smiled before pressing my lips to his. How the universe had turned this terrible week into something beautiful was beyond me. It just goes to show that we can’t always predict the good in our lives. Sometimes we find it in places we least expect.

“You know, even if we buy a washer and dryer, we’re still going to have to come back here every once in a while, to do our laundry. This place is on our list of places.” I laughed.

“I know.” He laughed too.

The End
