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“Got it.” Cody grinned. “I’ll provide a little distraction to the guys shooting at us.”

“Thanks, buddy. Sounds good,” Jase said.

Glancing from Cody to Jase, Dev said, “We ready to rock and roll?”

“Go for it,” Jase said. He grabbed a pair of goggles from his back, slipped them on and slid to the middle of the seat. Laila edged closer to the door, giving him enough room. Looking like a giant bug behind the goggles, he glanced at her. Nodded. “Thanks,” he murmured.

Then he turned his attention to the roof, where he unlocked a door that slid into the roof of the Humvee. Jase turned around so he was facing backward, then stuck his head out the opening and centered himself. Spread his legs to give himself more stability.

Dev turned the vehicle on, and it rumbled out of the cave. Turned left, then accelerated immediately. She was pushed back into the seat, and she saw Jase’s knuckles whiten where he gripped the opening in the roof to hold himself in place.

It took only seconds to emerge onto the plain in front of the mountains. As soon as they were clear, the Humvee sprang forward. The roar of the engine vied with the howl of the wind through the open port on the roof.

Suddenly Cody said, “They’ve spotted us. They’re standing up, grabbing their guns. One has a rocket launcher.”

“I see it,” Jase said. “Waiting for them to fire.”

A crack of sound shook the Humvee. Jase moved to one side and the device on the roof barked once. Moments later, she heard a huge explosion.

“First RPG bites the dust,” Jase reported, satisfaction in his voice. “Two more incoming.”

The device roared twice, one immediately after the other, and she heard two more explosions behind them.

A much louder explosion rocked the Humvee, and flames flew out of a cave not far from where they’d been hiding. “Tangos distracted,” Jase reported. “A couple guys are working on two more RPGs, but a lot of them are rushing toward the fire. They won’t be able to do anything about those weapons,” he said, his voice full of satisfaction. “Sorry, boys. Say bye-bye to those guns and ammo.”

“Shots fired,” Cody said. “We’re too far for those rifles.”

Jase shifted his feet. “Heads up ! Incoming!”

Another bark. Another explosion. Followed by another.

“Looks like they’re giving up on the RPGs,” Jase called. “Don’t see any launchers pointing at us. Bunch of dudes on the ground. Not moving.”

“Shrapnel?” Cody asked.

“Likely,” Jase replied.

Sweat dripped down Laila’s sides. She gripped her fists so tightly that her palms stung. Afraid she’d drawn blood, she wiped her hands down her tunic.

Jase swayed as the Humvee bumped over the hard-packed sand, maintaining his position. How long was he going to stay up there, his head and shoulders exposed? She wanted him back in the relative safety of this armored truck.

He didn’t move until the Taliban encampment became a tiny speck in the distance. Finally he lowered himself into the vehicle, slid the roof door back into place and dropped into the seat. Pulling off his goggles, he glanced at her. Dirt covered his face, leaving the goggle-protected area around his eyes lighter. “With any luck, we’ll have smooth sailing until we get to Al Kamen.”

“Those men won’t alert other Taliban fighters? Have them intercept us?” she asked.

“They might try,” he replied. “But they don’t know exactly where we’re going or which route we’re taking. They probably assume we’re heading to Kabul. No one will be expecting us in Al Kamen. We should be safe for now.”

Cody turned around. “I’m guessing you two probably didn’t get much sleep in the last twenty-four hours,” he said. “I’ll keep watch. Jase, if I think we need to use the Iron Fist again, I’ll wake you up. Get some shut-eye while you can.”

Relief flooded through Laila. But she was certain she wouldn’t fall asleep. It was the first time she’d come under fire, and adrenaline still coursed through her. She was jumpy. Trembling. She slid her hands beneath her legs to hide the shakes. The danger might have passed, but her body hadn’t gotten the memo yet.

Jase glanced over at her, and she tried to steady herself. Act calm. In control.

But he must have seen through her act, because he reached out and curled his arm around her. Settled her against his side.

Being surrounded by Jase was comforting. Calming. She burrowed into him, but her nerves jumped. Pinged. She wasn’t sure she’d ever sleep again.
