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His muscular chest was dusted with light brown hair, and his washboard abs made her want to touch them. To run her fingers over those abs. Follow them with her tongue.

Lifting her gaze back to his face, she said, “I want you, Jase. Nothing that happened changed how attracted I am to you. And I know your life is in the military. I know there’s no future for us. But I want whatever time we have left. One night? Two? I have no idea. But I want to spend my last days in Afghanistan with you. I’ll be leaving with the families from Al Kamen. You’ll be off to another part of the world, saving more people like you saved me. I’ll probably never see you again. And I would regret it for the rest of my life if I never knew how we were together.”

Jase reached for her hands slowly, as if he wasn’t sure he’d heard her correctly. She met him half-way, grasping his hands and sliding her fingers between his. His pupils had darkened, and his gaze swept over her face. Was he looking for a signal from her? A sign that she meant every word she’d said?

She leaned toward him and brushed her mouth over his. He sucked in a breath, and his lips parted. She pressed her mouth to his, sliding her tongue over his lips. Tasting him. He tasted as good as she remembered. Better, because this kiss wasn’t fueled by fear or desperation. The only ingredients in this kiss were need and desire.

“Are you sure this is what you want, Laila?” he asked, his mouth still against hers. “Because I know you’ve had a rough few days. You have to be exhausted. I understand if you don’t want to leap into bed with me.”

She smiled against his mouth. “What part of ‘I want you, Jase’ was unclear?”

He closed his eyes and drew her closer. Wrapped his arms around her and deepened their kiss. He tasted of toothpaste, minty and clean. With their mouths connected, a wave of desire rushed through her. She wanted to be connected to Jase everywhere. Not just mouth to mouth.

She wanted her skin to slide over his. Her body pressed against his harder, bigger body. And she wanted all the needy parts of her connected to the parts of Jase that she craved.

Curling her arms around him, she trailed her hands down the smooth, taut skin of his back. Lingered on the hard muscles next to his spine. Then she drifted lower, over the rough towel that covered his hips and ass.

He groaned into her mouth as he pushed against her. The hard length of him fit perfectly between her legs, and she shifted her hips to press him where she needed him.

“I need to see you,” Jase groaned as he lifted his mouth from hers. “I’ve been imagining what you looked like since I saw you sleeping in that cave. And the way these jeans fit you...” He groaned as he gripped her ass. Slid his hands over her thighs. “They’re driving me wild.”

“I want to see the rest of you, too,” she whispered as she yanked the tee shirt over her head. Tossed it aside, then unfastened her bra.

He sucked in a shuddery breath. Lifted shaking hands and cupped her breasts. Smoothed his thumbs over her nipples. Bent and drew one nipple into his mouth and curled his tongue around it. Electricity flew from her breast to her groin, and she gasped.

Jase fumbled with the button and zipper of her jeans. Shoved them down her legs and steadied her as she kicked out of them. He stared at the black scrap of underwear that covered her. Instead of sliding it down her legs, he picked her up, yanked back the covers of his bed and set her on the sheet.

Laila reached out and pulled the towel away from his waist. Swallowed when she saw his thick, heavy cock. She reached out to touch him, but he grabbed her hand. Kissed her palm and set it on the bed.

“Not this first time,” he said. “I’ll go off like a rocket if you touch me. And I want to take my time with you. Taste every inch of you. Make you come with my mouth. My hands. Do all the things I’ve imagined doing with you.”

“What did you imagine doing with me?” she whispered.

“You want me to tell you?” he murmured. “Or show you? Option two is lots more fun for both of us.”

“Hmm,” she said, wrapping her fingers around his hot length. “I vote for option two. But maybe you can incorporate option one, as well?”

He grew bigger and harder beneath her fingers. “I can do that,” he said. “I love dirty talk.”

“Can’t wait,” she whispered.

Jase stared down at her, lust and something she couldn’t read in his expression. He finally said, “How was I lucky enough to find you, Laila?”

She smiled against his mouth. “You were in the right place at the right time.”

He thrust into her hand, then peeled her fingers away. “Later,” he breathed. “My turn first.”

“Can’t we have turns together?” she said, cringing when she heard the whine in her voice.

Looking up at her, he grinned. “Do you remember what I said to you, more than once, when we were facing an unknown situation?”

“Yeah.” Her mouth curled into a smile. “You go first.”

“Exactly. But I also said there was one circumstance when you went first, and this is it. Whenever we’re in bed together, you go first. That’s my rule, and I’m not changing it.” He swiped his fingers over her, and she gasped.

“Doesn’t... doesn’t seem fair.”

“Trust me,” he said. “It’s fair. Watching you come will give me as much pleasure as it gives you.”
