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Chapter 21

They missed dinner that night, but Jase didn’t care. He was pretty sure Laila didn’t, either.

Later that night as they cuddled together, both of them recovering from another round of amazing sex, Laila ran her hand over Jase’s chest and abdomen. She smiled against his neck when she found him hard again. “Really, Jase? Already?”

“Of course,” he murmured, sucking her lower lip into his mouth, then letting it go with a pop. “You have no idea how much I wanted you when I saw you sleeping in that cave,” he said. Memories of that moment made him even harder. “It was crazy,” he said, nibbling on her neck. “I was on an op. You were the woman I was supposed to extract. Taliban soldiers were searching for you. But for a moment, I just wanted to look at you. Breathe you in. Touch your skin.”

He shook his head and speared his fingers through her hair. Felt it trail over his hands like warm silk, and his cock grew harder. Bigger. “It was the damndest thing. I was obsessed with you. Couldn’t think of anything but you. I never felt anything like it before.” He smiled down at her. “Except for when I was training you. That’s how I felt every day. Every minute we were together.”

She stretched her body out along his and wrapped her arm around him. “Same with me.” She pressed her mouth to his shoulder. Nipped at it, then soothed it with her lip. “I saw you and I wanted you. I told myself it was the stress. The fear. The uncertainty about what came next. But it wasn’t any of those things, Jase.”

She shifted and went up on one elbow, and her green eyes softened. Became even brighter. “It was you. I wanted you when you were my training officer, but I knew that couldn’t happen. I used to fantasize about running into you in a bar in Kabul after my training was done. Taking you back to my room at the embassy.” She sighed. “But I was shipped to Al Kamen almost immediately. I didn’t have time to find you.” She swallowed, watching him out of the corner of her eye.

She looked... wary. Was she afraid she’d scare him off? He loved that she was making herself vulnerable with him. Being honest. They didn’t have much time together, and he suspected she knew that, too. He wanted to savor every moment. Knock down all the barriers between them. Because when she left and he went on to his next assignment, all he’d have left of Laila was memories.

“You can say anything to me,” he whispered. “Don’t hide yourself, Laila. I want to know everything about you in the limited time we have together. I want all the details, because it will have to hold me for the rest of my life.”

“Every single day, I’ve regretted we didn’t get together before I left,” she murmured.

Jase lifted her up so she lay on his chest. “Me, too, bae. Me, too.”

She nestled her face in his neck, and he brushed his hand over her hair. “I can’t get enough of you, Laila.”

“Back at ya,” she said, pressing a kiss to his mouth. Then she lifted onto one elbow again, propped her head in one hand and studied him.

He’d never felt a connection this strong with anyone. It scared the crap out of him. The word ‘forever’ blinked in his brain in bright neon lights, and he pushed it away. He didn’t do forever. Happily ever after wasn’t in the cards for him and Laila.

He wouldn’t think about that now. Wouldn’t think about the barren desert his life would be after Laila left. He’d focus on right now, like he always did. Focus on the pleasure he could give Laila, and the pleasure she’d give him.

He’d just had the best sex of his life, and he hoped the same was true for Laila.

She sighed and pressed a kiss to his shoulder, and he curled his arms around her. Smoothed his hand down her arm, over and over. Hypnotizing himself. It was the only explanation for this connection that hummed between them.

“I thought about finding you after your training was done,” he murmured. “Started to come look for you too many times to count, but I always managed to stop myself. And when I heard you’d been sent to your assigned village, I kicked myself for being a coward. For not going after you when I could.”

“We’re here now,” she said, shifting so her body was lined up perfectly with his. “We have nowhere to go. Nothing we have to do. Besides each other.”

Laughter bubbled up inside him. Laila was unique. He wanted days with her. Weeks. Months to explore this connection.

He froze. No, he couldn’t want months with Laila. He didn’t do months. Hell, he didn’t do weeks.

It was just the amazing sex, messing with his mind.

A few more days was all they had left, and it’s all he usually wanted. That he was even thinking longer-term was unsettling. Panic-inducing.

Desperation rising inside him, he flipped her onto her back. Braced himself on his arms and kissed her deeply. When he lifted his mouth from hers, Laila smiled at him and twined her arms around his neck. “Make love with me again, Jase,” she whispered. “Make sure I don’t ever forget you.”

The vice around his neck eased a little. She knew they had an expiration date. “I like the way you think, bae,” he murmured, rubbing his stubbled cheek over her neck. “I like the way you talk, too. Are you always this sexy in bed?”

She shook her head slowly. “Never before, Jase. Only with you.”

“And I’ve never felt this way about another woman,” he said. “It scares me a little how much I want you.”

“Don’t be scared,” she whispered. “I want you just as much.”

That scared him, too. But instead of thinking, of letting their desperate need freak him out, he pressed his mouth to hers. Took the kiss deep, their tongues twining together and stroking. In moments, Laila slid on top of him and took him inside. And he lost himself in her touch. Her scent. Her silky skin.

Savored every sound she made. Every sensation she stirred in his body. Every taste of Laila.
