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Laila’s heart began to pound. Was it because he had something private to say to her? Did he regret the way they’d parted?

Swallowing, she turned and repeated Jase’s instructions, then slid back into her seat so the nineteen people could file out of the plane. Jase jogged over to the plane and climbed the stairs, disappearing inside.

The cries of frightened, desperate people washed over her as Laila watched the families hurry toward the steps. As they neared the plane, the voices from the crowd behind them rose to a wail. The crowd jostled the soldiers holding M4A1s, and the soldiers motioned them back. Lifted their guns and watched, their heads swiveling from side to side.

The families started up the steps, and by the time the last Afghan exited the bus, the first ones were already entering the plane.

Once everyone else was out of the bus, Laila walked down the steps, slinging her backpack over her shoulders. She felt Jase’s eyes on her, but she didn’t turn to him until she reached the stairs into the plane.

“Is this goodbye?” she asked quietly.

Jase nodded, studying her face. Finally he sighed. “I wish it could be different, Laila, but yeah. This is goodbye.”

“It could be different, Jase,” she said, swallowing hard, trying to hold it together. “Come and visit me when you get back to the States.”

He didn’t answer, just held her gaze. “Bye, bae,” he finally said. “If I could get involved with anyone, it’d be you. But I’m just not cut out for long term.”

“That’s bullshit,” she said with a flash of anger. “How could you know that if you’ve never tried to be in a relationship? Just be honest and say you’re not willing to try.” She drew in a trembling breath. “I never took you for a coward, Jase.”

The lump in her throat burned when she swallowed. “Thank you for saving my life. And the lives of my girls. I’ll be forever in your debt for that.”

Without waiting for him to reply, she turned and ran up the stairs, desperate to be inside the plane. She didn’t want to fall apart in front of Jase.

“Laila!” he yelled. “Wait!”

She turned around in the doorway and watched him start up the stairs. He’d taken two stairs when he faltered. His body jerked, and he fell forward onto the next step. Blood ran down the steps.
