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She shouldn’t have come out here alone. She should have brought someone with her. Brody Jones’ face appeared in her mind, but she shoved it away. It was too late now to bring Brody or anyone else. She’d find Ron’s boss then hurry back to her car. Flee this creepy compound and drive back to town.

Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she pulled up the 911 screen. Clutched the phone tightly as she walked past the first building.

Beyond the gate, she saw several more buildings. One long, low one that was probably the mess hall Ron had talked about.

It was almost lunch time. Maybe everyone was inside that building. Eating.

But there was no smoke coming from the chimney. No smells of cooking or food.

Lainey squared her shoulders and headed for the mess hall door. She’d come out here to verify Ron’s employment, and she wouldn’t leave until she was sure the process server could find him.

She tugged the door open, and saw nothing but shadowy darkness inside. Even in the dim light, it was clear no one was eating at the long tables. At the other end of the building, the kitchen was dark and empty. No one was cooking.

The room was deserted.

She flicked the light switches. Nothing. As she moved closer to the kitchen, the scent of rotting food overwhelmed her, and she took a step back. Gagged. Everyone must have left the compound in a hurry -- they’d apparently neglected to empty the garbage before they cleared out.

Then another scent caught her attention. The coppery smell of blood overlaid the garbage stink. A lot of blood. Like an animal had been slaughtered in here.

Or a person.

Suddenly chilled, she curled her fingers around the grip of the gun in her purse and took a step forward. Another. As she got closer to the kitchen, she spotted the dark outline of a lump on the floor.

Her breath caught in her throat at the faintly human shape.

Before she could take another step, the door slammed shut behind her. Something crashed into it, and Lainey spun around and raced for the door. Before she reached it, the pungent, distinctively sweet odor of gasoline filled the air. The whoosh of fire roared to life on all sides of the building with a chilling howl.

Lainey ran toward the door and fought to open it, but the door banged into something solid. Unyielding. Dashing toward a window, she was horrified to find flames already licking at the glass.
