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Chapter 12

After Brody’s talk with his men, he walked into the house and headed for his office. Paused when he heard female voices from the kitchen.

Vi. And… Phoebe?

He edged close to the door and watched as Phoebe pulled pieces of clothing out of a huge bag. Held them up to her chest as Vi smiled and shared her opinions. Vi told Phoebe one shirt was exactly the right color for her. A pair of jeans was the same brand one of her nieces loved.

Visibly relaxing, smiling happily at Vi’s words, Phoebe said, “Lainey’s gonna take me into Bozeman this weekend,” Phoebe said, her smile fading away. “To find more clothes. ‘Cause there’s not a big selection here in Helena.” The girl took a deep breath. “She told me not to worry about the money, that she can afford it, but I’m not sure how I’ll ever pay her back.”

Vi laid both hands on Phoebe’s shoulders. “My guess? I’m sure she doesn’t expect you to pay her back,” Vi said gently. “I think Lainey likes you and wants to help you. So don’t worry about the money.” Vi squeezed Phoebe’s shoulders. “Or tell Lainey you want to set up a payment plan after you start working.”

Brody backed away from the kitchen, his heart aching for the girl. He’d make damn sure Phoebe didn’t worry about money, and make it clear the girl didn’t owe him or Lainey anything.

But he’d do it carefully. Make sure Phoebe held onto her dignity. He’d been desperate to know how to help Phoebe, and now he knew at least one thing she needed. All he had to do was figure out how to give it to her.

Lainey would think of something. As the thought rolled through his brain, he took a deep breath. Relaxed. Yeah, Lainey would probably know how to help a teen-aged girl without making her feel less. Condescended to.

They were a good team.

He wanted to be more than part of Lainey’s team. He wanted to be the center of her world. But it was too soon. She needed time. As hard as it would be, he’d give her the space she’d requested.

As he eased out of the dining room, he heard Phoebe say, “Wouldn’t Lainey be mad if I asked her about the money? Told her I can’t pay her back?”

“Why on earth would she be mad?” Vi asked immediately. “Anyone would ask that question.”

Sadness for Phoebe moved through Brody, along with rage at Art Larsen. As he clenched his fists, Brody heard Vi say, “Talk to Lainey before you go shopping again. Tell her you’re concerned about the money. I’m betting she’ll tell you that she’s keeping her budget in mind.” Vi laughed. “She’s an accountant, after all.” Brody heard Vi hugging the girl. Then Vi said, “My nieces are about your age. I’ll give you a list of stores they like in Bozeman.”

As the murmur of Vi and Phoebe’s voices echoed behind him, Brody edged away from the door. He’d bet that Vi’s words hadn’t completely eased Phoebe’s concerns. The girl was too wary. Too suspicious.

And why wouldn’t she be? She’d been through a horrible ordeal after being abandoned by her father. And Phoebe didn’t really know him or Lainey. Even though they’d taken her away from the compound, they were still strangers to her. She was smart to remain wary.

But it was beyond sad that a kid Phoebe’s age had needed to develop that armor.

Brody swallowed and retreated to his office. He knew all about the necessity of that armor.

Lainey would tell him all about today’s shopping expedition. And he’d see if he could join them in Bozeman. He’d been putting off a visit to a friend there, and he needed to check in with Rose and see how she was doing. Make sure the newly-retired woman had everything she needed.

Lowering himself into his chair, he worked on his bills until Vi rang the dinner bell. As everyone slid into their chairs, Phoebe’s eyes widened when Vi brought out the first two pizzas and set them on hot pads.

Instead of shifting a slice to his plate, like everyone else, Brody watched Phoebe inhale one slice and grab another as Vi brought out two more pizzas.

Sitting beside him, Lainey leaned over to murmur, “Vi’s amazing. I’ve never tasted pizza this good.”

“She wants to open a pizza restaurant eventually,” Brody said. “That’s why I built the pizza oven on the patio. So she can refine her recipes.”

“I’d say she has them down pat,” Lainey said, reaching for a slice of veggie. She slanted him a mischievous grin. “I’m impressed you built that oven for her, knowing it meant you’d eventually lose her as your cook and housekeeper.”

“Won’t be for a while,” he said. “And it’s important to her, so I’m good with it.”

Lainey set her slice of pizza on her plate and stared at him. “Sometimes I think you’re too good to be true, Brody.”

He shook his head. “Believe me, I have my faults.” He thought of the past he was hiding from Lainey. “We all do.”

* * *

As Lainey helped Vi put away the leftover pizza, Phoebe stuck her head into the kitchen. “I’ve got a ton of homework, Lainey,” she said. “I’m going up to my room to do it, then I’ll probably go to bed afterward.”

“That’s fine, Phoebe,” Lainey said, happy that the girl seemed a little more relaxed than she had the night before. “If you need help with your homework, I’ll be in the living room. Brody will be around here somewhere, too.”
