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“Absolutely. But it’s not a difficult case. The hose was detached. There’s a piece of burned wood right next to the hose. Easy to put two and two together.” He glanced at Nico. “Also, Mr. Elliott is certain that the grill and the tank are closer to the house than they were when you got home a few hours ago. All adds up to arson.”

Julia shivered as she stared at the damage to her house. If Nico hadn’t been alert, hadn’t been sleeping lightly, they both might have died.

As the fire captain trudged down the driveway, Nico took her hand. Slipped his fingers between hers. When she glanced at him in surprise, he squeezed her hand. “We could have been killed,” he said quietly. “I need to touch you.”

“Me, too,” she whispered. She tightened her hand in his. “Let’s get our stuff and get away from here.” She glanced around. “Do you think he stuck around to watch?”

“Probably not. My guess is he took off as soon as the fire caught hold. When he saw flames eating at the cedar siding, he probably figured his job was done. You’d be sound asleep.”

“I would have died just like my brother and my parents,” she whispered, horrified. “But that was an accident.”

“This fire was deliberate.” He took her computer and tugged her toward the front door. “Let’s get out of here.”

After throwing clothes and toiletries in suitcases, they drove to an area that had lots of hotels, and Nico picked a chain hotel that was known for its security. Julia was surprised when Nico asked for a single room with two beds.

In the elevator, on the way up to their room, he said, “I want you where I can protect you. Separate rooms won’t work.”

“You could have asked for adjoining rooms,” she pointed out.

“A young couple asking for adjoining rooms? The desk clerk would remember us. Both staying in the same room? Nothing unusual about that.”

Suddenly completely exhausted, leaning against the elevator wall to hold her up, Julia said, “You have to be thinking every minute to do your job.”

“Yeah. It’s like a giant puzzle, with the pieces constantly changing.”

“I’m glad you’re my bodyguard,” she said as she studied him. She wanted to lean into him. But the emergency was over, which meant the touching was over, as well.

“I am, too, Jules,” he said quietly. “I won’t trust anyone else with your safety.”

The elevator dinged, signaling their floor, and Nico stepped outside the elevator first, his hand holding the door open. When he nodded, she grabbed her suitcase and stepped into the silent hall.

Once inside their room, she opened her suitcase and took out her sleep shirt. Headed into the bathroom and changed, then crawled into bed.

She was sure she’d lay awake thinking about the fire, the frantic moments at her house when Nico was urging her out the door. But to her surprise, she fell asleep instantly.

* * *

When Nico stepped out of the bathroom, ready for bed, he glanced at Julia, in the bed closest to the window. He’d expected her to be awake. Watching him as he slid into bed.

He both hoped she would be, and dreaded it. But when he stepped into the dimly lit room, she was curled up on her side, asleep.

Just as well. They were both too unsettled tonight. Too shaken. He might have slid into her bed without asking. Taken her in his arms and demonstrated his relief that she wasn’t hurt.

As much as he wanted her, he knew it was a bad idea. He was already too tangled up with Julia. He cared too much about her. Wanted her too much. Everything they’d been warned about during bodyguard training. Never get emotionally involved with your principal.

The phrase had been drilled into their heads until they recited it in their sleep. Nico had never had a problem with the rule before. And he’d protected some beautiful, desirable women. But there hadn’t been even a flicker of attraction. He’d been focused one hundred percent on his job.

With Julia? He’d gotten emotionally involved before his first night working at her restaurant. And it had only gotten more complicated and more intense from that point on.

He’d broken the strictest rule when he’d slept with her. And he didn’t regret it one bit. Making love with Julia had been the most amazing experience of his life. He’d spent every night since wishing they could make love again. Knowing they couldn’t.

He slid into his bed and turned away from her. Only because he wanted to face the door, in case of a threat.

The devil on his shoulder laughed at him. He’d hear a threat no matter which way he faced.

He knew that if he watched Julia sleep, he’d end up in bed with her.

* * *
