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She brushed another kiss over his mouth. “Thank you, Gideon.”

* * *

As Gideon hurried over to the fireplace, Alex watched for a moment as he crouched in front of it. She smiled when he opened the door and turned some knobs. Then, telling herself she could ogle Gideon to her heart’s content when they got back to the compound, she packed her things in her suitcase. She tried not to throw everything in haphazardly, but she wanted to get out of here. The encounter with the Russians had drained her. She wanted to get back to the compound, where they’d be safe.

After gathering her toiletries from the bathroom, she zipped her kit bag closed and tossed it in the suitcase. Checked one more time to make sure she didn’t miss anything, then reached for the handle. Remembered she’d promised to let Gideon lift it off the bed and drew her hand away.

“Gideon, you want me to start packing your suitcase?” she called.

“That would be great,” he said, smiling at her over his shoulder. “I’ll be finished here in a minute, then I’ll load both of them into the Suburban.”

Alex folded Gideon’s clothes and set them in his suitcase. Found his kit bag and packed that, as well. Then opened all the drawers in both dressers and nightstands, making sure they hadn’t left anything behind.

“We’re good to go with our stuff,” she called.

“Great.” He closed the fireplace and walked over to the bed, where he lifted both suitcases onto the floor. “Got your purse? With your gun in it?”

“I do,” she said, patting the bag she’d draped over her shoulder and under her cast. “I’m all set.”

Gideon turned toward the door. Stopped abruptly. A man with a gun stood inside the open door. He was shorter than Gideon, with blond hair and muddy brown eyes. He held a gun, and it was aimed at Gideon’s chest.

Gideon reared back. “Kramer! What the hell are you doing here?”

“Cleaning up after myself,” he said. He wiggled his fingers at Gideon. “Give me your gun, Wolf.”

Gideon opened his jacket, took out his gun and set it on the floor. Nudged it toward his boss. Alex remembered Gideon talking about Kramer. She’d seen his name in Jerry’s files, too.

Then Kramer glanced at her. His gaze touched the cast on her arm, the sling around her neck and dismissed her. He focused on Gideon again.

“How did you find us, Kramer?” Gideon asked. Alex couldn’t hear any fear or concern in his voice.

“Sergei gave me the phone number he called to get his money.” He smirked at Gideon. “You should have been able to figure that out, Wolf. I used our FBI tools to trace the location of the cell phone.” He scowled and waved the gun at Gideon. “Enough small talk. Files, Wolf. Please. I won’t ask nicely again.”

“Which files would that be, Kramer?” Gideon sounded remarkably calm for a man looking at a gun. A gun held by a man who probably intended to kill him.

A ripple of fear shuddered through Alex. Kramer would kill her, too, without a moment’s hesitation.

“The ones your friend over there,” he pointed the gun at Alex for a moment, then swung it back to Gideon, “took out of Jerry Trotter’s safe. Sergei told me about them. Said Trotter had been whining about his files. I have orders to retrieve them, and I’ll do it with or without your cooperation.” He smiled, baring his teeth, and Alex shivered. “With your cooperation will be more pleasant for the two of you. You can die quickly. Or… not.” He shrugged. “Your choice.” He snapped his fingers. “Hand them over. Unless you enjoy pain.” He smiled. “I’ve learned a lot from the Bratva.”

Gideon shrugged, as if his former boss hadn’t just threatened to torture them both to death. “You didn’t do your homework, Kramer. We don’t have them. They’re in a safe at the Blackhawk Security compound.” He made a scoffing noise, and Alex cringed. Was he trying to enrage Kramer?

Gideon frowned at his former boss. “Why the hell would we have brought them here, anyway? We didn’t need them. Those are valuable documents. The Bratva task force will need them.”

“Maybe I’ll search your luggage,” Kramer said. “Make sure you’re telling the truth.”

Gideon shrugged. “Go ahead. All you’ll find are some dirty clothes and a bunch of toiletries, but be my guest.” He waved his arm, inviting Kramer to check.

Alex watched Kramer carefully, schooling her face into a passive, bland expression. If Kramer did try to search their bags, Gideon would have an opportunity to get to his ankle holster.

Kramer must have thought the same thing because his gaze flicked from Gideon to the suitcases. Back to Gideon. “I don’t think so, Wolf. You open those bags and show me what’s in them.”

Gideon moved toward the bed where both suitcases sat. He unzipped hers, then his own. Lifted out the clothes so that Kramer could see that was all they held.

“Fine,” Kramer said, impatience and anxiety edging his voice. He glanced at his watch. Stared at Gideon again. “Call whoever has those files. Have them bring the files here, because you and Ms. Conway aren’t going anywhere until I get them.”

“Happy to do that,” Gideon said, pulling out his phone.

Kramer shook his head. “Not you. She can call.”
