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She smiled faintly. “Thank you, Gideon. For trying to make me feel better.”

“Trying? I intend to succeed. I’m going to fix you a gourmet dinner.” He picked up a bottle of water. “A fine vintage of eau. Carefully selected by the sommelier.” He put it on the table and picked up a package of beef jerky. Set it on his palm and presented it with a flourish. “The most tender steak in the restaurant.” He set it beside the water. “And the finest dessert, constructed by the pastry chef.” He set a package of Oreos beside the jerky.

Alex gave him a genuine smile. “A feast beyond imagining. My taste buds can’t wait.”

Later that evening, after their banquet of Slim Jims and Oreos, Alex excused herself to change into her pajamas in the bathroom. While she was gone, Gideon put on his own pajamas -- sweatpants and a tee shirt.

When she emerged from the tiny bathroom in her yoga pants and long-sleeved tee, she dropped her kit bag into her open suitcase and looked over at him. Walked closer.

“Thank you, Gideon,” she said quietly. “For comforting me this afternoon. I appreciate that you didn’t just ignore me. Didn’t make me feel self-conscious and stupid for crying about a sociopath and crook like Jerry. You made me feel better about the whole mess. And hopeful that this will be over soon.”

She went up on her toes and pressed her mouth to his. She probably meant it as a simple thank-you. Gratitude, not passion.

But the instant her lips touched his, heat rushed through him. He gripped her shoulders and hauled her against him. Took the kiss deeper in a flash of desire.

Instead of pushing him away, she gasped into his mouth. Burrowed closer. Sucked on his lip, then tangled her tongue with his.

He shouldn’t be doing this. The rusty voice of his conscience tried to stop him, but it was too late. One taste of Alex was all it took. Fire rushed through his blood. Heated his body until he wanted to rip off his clothes.

Tear off her clothes.

He’d only known Alex Conway for three days, and he couldn’t bear to stop touching her. He wanted her with a ferocity he’d never felt for a woman before. Never imagined he could feel.

She slid her hands down his back and gripped his ass. Smoothed her palms over it. Squeezed until he felt as if he’d explode.

He burrowed his hands beneath her tee shirt, sliding them over her breasts. Her nipples were hard against his palms, and he had to taste them. Lowering his head, he tugged the thin tee up and stared at her breasts. Perfectly shaped. Taut pink nipples. “Beautiful,” he breathed as he lowered his head. Took one nipple in his mouth and tugged on it. Swirled his tongue around it. Then pressed it against the roof of his mouth and sucked.

“Oh, my God,” she cried, and she trembled against him. His skin burned where she touched him. Her breath came in ragged gulps, and she cupped him through the soft material of his sweats. Reached for the waistband and tried to tug it down.

The last drop of restraint he had made him ease away from her. Pull down her tee, taking one last look at her breasts. He smoothed his hand over her silky hair, realizing he was shaking. “Alex. My God. That was… that was…”

“Amazing,” she said. She swallowed, clutching at his shirt, and he wanted to follow the ripple of her throat with his tongue. Wanted to strip off her clothes and taste every inch of her body. Wanted her mouth on him.

“Yeah,” he said, realizing he was panting. “Amazing. Incredible. Mind-blowing. And I only kissed you.”

“But we need to stop,” she said.

“Yeah.” He sighed. “Thank God you stopped me. Not sure if I could have.”

“You would’ve,” she said as she held his gaze. “Because you’re an honorable guy. I wasn’t putting on the brakes.”

He closed his eyes to block out the image of Alex’s flushed face. Swollen lips. Red, puffy lips. Her dilated pupils. “I didn’t want to stop, either. But this isn’t the time or place.” He forced a smile as regret speared through him. “But I’m definitely asking for a rain check.”

“I’m definitely giving you one,” she said. She tugged at her yoga pants, as if they were uncomfortable, then turned and slid into bed. “We have a long day of driving tomorrow. We should get some sleep.”

“You’re right.” He hated that they were both so practical. So cautious. But they hadn’t known each other very long, and for a lot of that time, she’d thought he wanted to kill her. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“I’ll be here,” she said, finally smiling at him. “This is where all the fun happens, right?”

“Exactly. Who could want more than this luxury suite?”

“Yeah.” She studied him for a few moments, her face soft. Smiling. “See you in the morning.”

* * *

Gideon woke abruptly, unsure what had disturbed him. Still dark outside, but his instincts told him he hadn’t been asleep very long. Although it had taken him a long time to fall asleep.

He glanced at the night table beside his bed. Touched his phone’s screen to bring it to life. One-thirty a.m. When most people were deeply asleep.
