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She’d hated feeling that way as a teen, and she hated it even more now.

‘Weak’ and ‘vulnerable’ were not who Alex Conway was. Hadn’t been for a long time. But a week of danger, threats and an emotional see-saw had brought all those feelings roaring back.

That, and the man she’d lowered her barriers for. A man she’d trusted.

It was time to regroup. Time to make herself strong again, both physically and emotionally.

The emotional part would take time. Work. The comfort and support of her friends, which was impossible right now.

But the physical? That she could do. Gideon had shown her the gym yesterday. Told her to use it whenever she wanted. She’d go over there this morning and run on one of the treadmills until her legs felt like noodles. Between the trial and her frantic trip west, she hadn’t run in way too long. It was time to fix that. Then she’d work on her upper body strength on one of their machines.

She wouldn’t be spending her days and nights with Gideon, as she’d hoped. So she’d spend her time building herself up. Making herself strong in the most direct way she could.

Maybe if she got stronger physically, she’d reclaim her emotional strength. Her self-respect. Be able to return to Evanston and put this whole episode in her rear-view mirror.

But the thought of walking away from Gideon hollowed out her chest.
