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Brynn unfolded the blue sling and slipped the strap over her head. Then she eased Alex’s arm into it and adjusted it to the right length. Sitting back on her heels, she said, “That’ll support your arm until Gideon can get you to the hospital in Helena. They’ll put a cast on your arm.” She slanted a look at Gideon. “You want to help her up, or you want me to do it?”

“I’ll do it,” he said. He sucked in a deep breath. Let it out slowly. “Thanks, Brynn. I’m damn glad you were in the gym when she fell.”

Brynn’s face softened. “Me, too, Wolf.” She slapped him on the back. “Call Mel and tell her what happened, then get your girl to the hospital. I’ll hunt down Mel in case she needs my help.”

With his gaze fixed on Alex, Gideon said. “Thanks again, Brynn.”

“Just glad I was here,” she said, waving as she headed for the door.

The heavy glass thunked closed behind her, and as far as Alex could tell, she and Gideon were the only ones in the gym. He squatted beside her. “Want me to help you stand up?” he asked, his voice hesitant. “Or do you want to try and do it yourself?”

She really, really wanted to do it herself. But she wasn’t stupid enough to try. If she fell and slammed that arm into the gym floor, the pain would be her own fault. And it would make her look stupid. “I’d like your help, please,” she said. She hoped Gideon attributed the strain in her voice to the pain from her arm.

“Okay,” Gideon said, his voice neutral. He squatted behind her. “I’m going to wrap my left arm around your waist. I’ll hold your right elbow and steady you as you stand up. Once you’re on your feet, we’ll head to the hospital. I’ll need to check in with Devlin and Mel before we go, though. Talk about the precautions we need to take.”

Alex sucked in a breath. Blew it out. “Let’s get this over with.” She braced herself and clenched her teeth together, knowing it was going to hurt.

Gideon was heartbreakingly gentle. His arm circled around her abdomen, but he was careful to avoid the splint. Then he grasped her elbow and lifted her. She managed to get her feet beneath her and stood slowly until she was upright.

The sling was taut around her neck as it cradled her arm. She turned too quickly and sucked air between her teeth at the jolt in her arm.

“We’ll move slowly, Alex,” he said, still cradling her right elbow. “Do you have a coat?”

“Left it in my room,” she said, her teeth suddenly chattering. “I’ll need my purse, too.” She nodded to where she’d tossed it, several feet away from the treadmill. “Insurance cards. Credit cards.”

“Okay.” He steered her toward a bench by the door. “Wait here and I’ll get them.” He reached into his pocket. Frowned. “My key card must have fallen out of my pocket when I ran here. Do you have yours?”

“In the front left pocket of my yoga pants,” she said. She tried to reach around the sling to get it, but he eased her hand away.

“Relax. I’ve got it.” Gideon’s hand hovered over her hip for a long moment, then he inhaled. Let it out slowly. Slid his fingers into her pocket, feeling for the card.

Even through the material of her yoga pants, his fingers burned trails over her skin as he dipped lower for the piece of plastic. Alex focused on the photos of the mountains on the wall across from the bench, trying to ignore the heat scorching her skin from Gideon’s hand on her hip. Failed miserably. Finally, after an excruciatingly long time, he grabbed the key card and wiggled it out of her pocket.

“Okay. Got the key. I’ll get your coat. Call Mel and Dev. Then we’ll take off.”

She nodded, still staring at the pictures rather than looking at Gideon. “Okay.”

He touched her shoulder, and his fingers tightened for a long moment. Fell away. “Be right back.”

“Thanks.” When he pushed through the door, cold air wafted into the gym. Alex rested her head against the wall. This was a total cluster, and she was a complete dumb-ass. Because she’d been upset with Gideon, because she’d been foolish enough to think that overdoing it on the treadmill was a reasonable thing to do, she’d broken her arm. And they’d have to venture out of the safety of the compound to get it fixed.

Ten minutes later, the gym door opened again and Gideon walked through, accompanied by Dev, who dropped onto the bench beside her. “Sorry you had an accident, Alex,” he said.

She snorted. “Wasn’t an accident. I was an idiot and overdid it. Stumbled and fell off the treadmill. My own fault.”

He stared at her for a moment, then smiled. “At least you own your mistake. Gideon’s going to drive you into the hospital. Nico and Brynn will be in a car behind you. Once you’re in the ER, I think you’ll be safe. Nico’s going to stay with the cars, and Brynn will be in the waiting room. They’ll have you covered, and there are also security guards in the ER. Between them, Nico and Brynn, no one will get in who doesn’t belong.”

“Thanks, Dev,” she said. She glanced away from him. “Sorry. I know I caused a huge problem.”

Dev shook his head. “An accident,” he said. “It happens.”

“Thanks.” Devlin was being generous. She knew damn well that fall was her own fault. She glanced at Gideon. “You ready to go?”

Dev touched her right arm. “Not so fast,” he said. “We have another issue.” He jerked his head toward the road outside the compound. “Those three jokers who’re watching us. When they see you leave, they’ll probably try to follow you. So I don’t think it’s smart for you to come back here immediately.” He glanced at Gideon. “I think you should stay in the safe house until we can round those three up.”

Gideon nodded slowly. “Good plan. Who knows how long it’ll take for us to be finished in the ER? Gives them too much time to plan mischief.”

Dev nodded. “Exactly. After you leave, with Brynn and Nico behind you, Mel and I will gather your belongings. Pack them up and put them in another car. Spence will drive to the safe house and open the place up. Drop off your stuff. Then he’ll go to the hospital, so all three cars can caravan to the safe house, with you and Alex in the middle. Hope you’ll only be there for a short time, but I’m not taking any chances.”
