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Chapter 28

Gideon drove through the city streets, glimpsing the two cars behind Brynn’s Suburban whenever they went around a curve or turned a corner. Their little caravan was headed south, and mountains rose in front of them.

The Russians and Trotter kept a constant distance between their cars and the Suburban. But Gideon knew that would change as soon as they were out of town and on a more open road. He figured they’d attack when there were no houses around. When they hadn’t seen another car in a while.

He glanced at the car behind him. Brynn was driving. So he hit the button for Nico’s phone. “Yeah,” Nico said. “We got them.”

“I’m calling the sheriff,” Gideon said, glancing in the mirror as they rounded another curve. “Tell him who we are and what’s going on. Ask him to send some cruisers to intercept them.”

Nico was silent for a moment. “No,” he said slowly. “Don’t do that. We’ll handle it ourselves. Who knows how long it’ll take for the sheriff to get some cruisers up here? I don’t want them to get too close to the cabin. If they’re gonna be searching for you, I want them to have to comb the widest area possible.”

“Okay. Yeah,” Gideon said after a long moment. Nico was right. The longer it took to lose those guys, the closer they’d be to the cabin. “Are you gonna block the road so they can’t keep going?” he asked.

“Ideally, Bryn will send them into the ditch. That will stop them, then we can catch up to you.”

“I like that plan,” Gideon said, He shouldn’t be talking on the phone when he was driving on what would soon turn into a winding mountain road. “Be careful, though. Bratva guys aren’t known for their restraint.”

“Yeah, we’re aware. Brynn and I are both wearing vests.”

“Good. We’ll stay close in case you need help.” He hung up before Nico could object. Then he called Spence and filled him in.

“Give me three pops of the horn if I need to turn around and help them,” Spence said.

“Will do,” Nico replied before ending the call.

“Keep your eye on the road behind us,” Gideon said to Alex, knowing she’d heard the conversation. “Let me know when Brynn makes her move.”

“Got it,” she said, swiveling in her seat to look out the rear window.

A minute later, Alex said, “Brynn is slowing down. Hugging the median. The Russians are trying to pass, but she’s not letting them.”

“What about Trotter?” Gideon asked.

“He’s hanging back.” Alex twisted in the seat, watching through the rear window. “He’s getting farther away from the Russians. Now he’s slowing even more. He’s making a Y turn. Speeding in the opposite direction.”

Gideon glanced in the rear view mirror. The Russians were slowing, too.

Suddenly they skidded into a Y turn. Took off after Trotter, the engine in the Chevy screaming.

Gideon eased into a curve, and a few moments later, the two cars and Brynn and Nico’s Suburban were out of sight.

Five minutes later, Gideon’s phone rang. “What’s going on?” he asked.

“Trotter tried to run, and the Russians are after him.” Nico snorted. “By the time they get sorted out, we’ll be at the cabin. Or close enough that they won’t be able to catch up. Thanks to Trotter, we eliminated that threat.”

“Great. Guess he’s good for something,” Gideon said. He glanced at Alex, but she merely rolled her eyes.

Drawing a deep breath, Gideon relaxed into the seat. Kept his eyes on the twisting road lined with snow-covered pine trees. Driveways extended out from the road on both sides at regular intervals. If the Russians tried to search every one of them, looking for a silver Forester, they might eventually find Gideon and Alex. But he was pretty sure the cabin had a small shed/garage.

Twenty minutes later, the road had gone steadily higher when Spence turned left onto one of the now-scarce driveways. Gideon followed, and they bumped along the still-snowy road until they turned right. A couple miles further, they turned left again. Finally they stopped outside a small log cabin.

Smoke drifted from the chimney, and Gideon watched Spence hop out of his Suburban and unlock the door to the cabin. Gideon pulled his Glock from its holster and watched the door.

A couple minutes later Spence walked out the door and gave a thumbs up. Gideon, Nico and Brynn, slid out of their vehicles. As he slid his Glock into its holster, Gideon said to Alex, “Stay in the car. I’ll come get you after I talk to everyone else.” He hurried over to the group without looking back.

* * *

Alex watched the three men and Brynn huddled by the door, their heads together. Spence was saying something, gesturing toward the house. She wanted to be there, wanted to hear what they were saying. After all, she was the one Jerry and the Russians were after.
