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Chapter 6

He wondered how long Davies had been in Seattle. Had he been here for a while, watching Zoe? Cataloguing her routines? The places she visited? The time she left her apartment for her office, and the times she returned?

That’s what Spence would do if he was stalking someone and planning to snatch them.

He wondered how Davies had gotten to Seattle. He’d have Mel search airline passenger lists and look for his name. Although he might have been smart enough to take a bus. Pay the fare with cash, hop on and ride to Seattle. Or he could have a car. Another thing Mel could check.

If he were stalking someone? He’d buy an old car. Pay cash. Steal the plates off another car, maybe one that had been abandoned.

Spence leaned against the back of the couch, thinking. If Davies was watching Zoe, he’d see Spence, sticking close to her side. Spence was afraid that might trigger him to strike.

Zoe’d said she’d gotten involved with a guy shortly before Davies tried to kidnap her. She’d been afraid that had triggered his attack. So he’d have to be careful. Stick close enough to protect her. But not close enough that they were touching. Not close enough that he looked like her boyfriend.

He needed to quickly familiarize himself with Zoe’s routine. Her home and her office. Find the weaknesses that made her vulnerable to an attack.

Plug them.

The only weakness he couldn’t plug was his feelings for Zoe. He told himself they would make him more effective. More tuned into what was going on with her.

More vigilant.

But they also made him hyper-sensitive about her. What she was feeling. What might endanger her. Would it make him overly cautious? Make him see danger at every turn?

He didn’t want to do that, either. A constant state of alertness, constant terror, wore people down. Tired them out. Made them miss things.

It would make him less effective at protecting Zoe.

And he knew he’d never forgive himself if he failed to protect her.

After checking all the locks in the apartment, he headed toward his bedroom. Got ready quickly, but then lay awake in the darkness, staring at the ceiling. Maybe he should have told Mel to send someone else to protect her sister.

But none of the other Blackhawk Security operatives would protect her as well as Spence would. He was already invested in her safety.

And he’d be alert, day and night, waiting and watching for Davies. As soon as Spence spotted the guy, he’d take him out.

He would keep Zoe safe.

* * *

Zoe lay awake far longer than she’d expected, listening for any out-of-the-ordinary sounds. Any indication something wasn’t right in her apartment.

Nothing was right in her apartment, because Spence Flynn was here to protect her from Ethan Davies. The open, comfortable space she’d created for herself was no longer a refuge. Attraction sizzled in the air like a high-tension wire sparking and crackling, electrical jolts jumping from Spence to her. And, God help her, from her to Spence.

Zoe rolled onto her side and tried to get comfortable. She heard Spence walk into his room, but the door hadn’t moved. Would he still be sleeping when she woke up in the morning? If she walked past his room, would she see him sprawled on her guest bed?

No, because she wouldn’t even look in his room.

Snorting, she rolled onto her other side. Of course she’d look. She wouldn’t be able to stop herself. And if he’d kicked off the blanket and sheet during the night? She might even stop and stare.

She gripped the sheet and yanked it up to her chin. Rolled onto her other side.

Finally, after at least a half-hour had passed, she gave up. Sat up in bed, shoved her pillows behind her and reached for her e-reader. She searched her library for the most sleep-inducing book she could find and settled on a history of indigenous peoples’ clamshell mounds found on the San Juan Islands.

By the time she’d finished the first chapter, her eyelids drooped. She set the reader on her nightstand, rolled onto her side and fell asleep almost immediately.

She was jolted awake by a loud crash from the back of her condo. She leapt out of bed and grabbed for a robe. Slid the lightweight silk over the tee shirt and ran out of her bedroom.

As she rushed toward the kitchen, she glanced into Spence’s room. His bed was empty. He’d probably hit the floor running, too, when he heard that noise.
