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“That’s not going to change anything for Davies,” Spence said. God, he hoped she didn’t cut that amazing hair. “Get it cut if you want,” he said, keeping his voice neutral. “But…” He pressed his lips together. He was not going there.

“But what?” Zoe asked.

When he didn’t answer, she poked her elbow in his side. “Tell me, Spence.”

When he didn’t answer, she elbowed him again. A little harder. “Tell. Me.”

He drew in a deep breath. Blew it out. “You have beautiful hair,” he forced himself to say. “The kind a man wants to dig his hands into. The kind of hair a guy wants to feel trailing over his skin.” He cleared his throat. “Think of a future boyfriend,” he blurted.

“Yeah?” she said. “You have someone in mind for that role?”

God! She sounded… playful. Flirty. “Just saying,” he muttered.

He felt her staring at him and didn’t dare look back. He knew she’d see the longing in his eyes. Longing that was completely inappropriate.

“Okay,” she said, and her voice was soft. Throaty. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“You do that,” he said, swallowing hard.

He didn’t look at Zoe as they continued to walk toward her office, but he sensed her turning her head frequently. Watching him.

It was hot as hell. And he was a fool to even notice.

Finally, after what felt like hours trying to maintain his cool beside her, she said, “There’s my office building.” She nodded at a tall skyscraper across the street and paused at the crosswalk. As she waited for the light to change, Spence checked out the area.

Lots of people on the street now. Some moved quickly, heads down, staring at their phones as they walked. Others wove in and out on the crowded sidewalk, as if impatient to get to their destination. A few moved slowly, staring into shop windows. Pausing occasionally. Tourists, maybe.

What would Davies do? Would he lurk in a doorway? In an alley? Or would he wait for Zoe and follow her?

Spence would bet that he’d follow Zoe. He clearly knew where she worked, but he probably wanted to be close to her. To plan how he’d capture her and steal her away.

If he was watching, and Spence would bet money he was, how would he feel about seeing a man walking with her?

Unhappy? Angry? Betrayed?

All of the above, probably.

Setting his hand on Zoe’s back, Spence guided her across the street when the light changed. As he pressed his palm into the muscles of her lower back, he felt her tense. Heard her sharp intake of breath. But he didn’t look at her. She didn’t look at him.

What he wanted to do was look over his shoulder. See if he could spot Davies in the crowd behind them. But he didn’t want to give away his watchfulness. His awareness that someone was stalking her.

Finally they reached her building, and as he held the door for her, he glanced behind them. He scanned the people behind them, but he couldn’t pick Davies out of the crowd.

As Zoe stepped into the building, he took one last look and followed her in.

The door closed silently behind them, and Zoe smiled at the beefy guy at the receptionist’s desk. “Hey, Bob, how’re you doing?” she asked.

Bob returned the smile. “I’m great, Ms. Melbourne.” He glanced at Spence. “You got a guest this morning?”

“Yeah, he’ll be here for a while, so give him a permanent pass,” Zoe said. “The name on the badge should be Spencer Riley.”

Bob nodded. “Stand in front of the camera, Mr. Riley,” he instructed Spence.

He snapped a photo, then handed him a piece of paper. “Spell your name for me, then I’ll make your badge.”

Ten minutes later, Spence had the badge attached to the collar of his polo shirt, and he stepped into an elevator with Zoe. They were the only ones in the car, and he turned to face Zoe. “Good thinking,” he said. “Anyone who sees the badge will assume I’m a new employee. That you’re showing me around. Training me.”

“That’s what we want, isn’t it?” She raised one eyebrow. “Fewer questions that way.”
