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“I’ll be right there,” the police officer said. “I’m only a few blocks away.”

Ten minutes later, Janet opened the door to admit the blond woman wearing a Seattle Police Department uniform. She nodded at Zoe. “I’m sorry you got another package. Has to be upsetting.”

“It is.” Zoe swallowed. Then she nodded at Spence. “This is Spencer Riley. He’ll be with me until Ethan Davies is found and arrested.”

Officer Woods nodded. “Smart move. You can’t watch everything. Another pair of eyes is helpful.” She glanced at Spence. “Especially if that extra pair of eyes comes equipped with a gun.”

“Any bodyguard worth his salt would carry a weapon,” Spence said evenly.

“Good,” Woods said, surprising Zoe. She’d expected a lecture about carrying a concealed weapon. “You have a concealed carry permit, I assume?”

“Would you like to see it?” Spence said.

“I’ll take your word for it.” She glanced down at the charm, which looked small and harmless on Zoe’s desk. “I’ll take this and run it for prints. Yesterday’s charm was clean, but maybe he got careless.”

“Thanks, Officer Woods,” Zoe said. When Woods slid the charm back into the wrappings, then slid it into her pocket, Zoe’s shoulders relaxed.

Woods nodded, then looked from Zoe to Spence. Back to Zoe. “Second day in a row, right?”

“Yeah,” Spence said. “Probably another one tomorrow.”

“Let me know if another one shows up. You can leave it with your assistant or take it down to the security guy in the lobby. I’ll pick it up and test it.”

“Thank you, Officer,” Zoe said.

Woods smiled. “Call me Lindsay. We’re probably going to be seeing a lot of each other.”

“Thanks, Lindsay,” Zoe said. “I will, if you call me Zoe.”

Woods nodded once. “Will do.” She switched her gaze to Spence. “If you spot him on the street, call 911. Don’t try to take him down yourself.”

Spence stared at her for a long moment. “I’ll have Zoe call you while I deal with Davies.”

“That’s not a good idea,” the officer said immediately. “I don’t want you endangering civilians.”

“I was a Navy Seal before I signed on to this security job. I think I can take down one guy while I protect the civilians around us.” Spence’s voice was cool, and his raised eyebrow was a challenge to the police officer.

“Last time I checked, SEALs don’t operate in big cities,” Woods shot back. She studied Spence, her mouth thinning. “Don’t do any hotdogging in front of Ms. Melbourne, Riley.”

“I wouldn’t do that. My job is to protect her.” Spence’s gray eyes were steely as he stared at Woods. “But if I can take him down while keeping her safe, I won’t hesitate.”

“Then I’ll have to hope that he picks a venue other than the Seattle streets to make his move,” Lindsay said evenly. “Make things easier for you and for any civilians in the area.”

Spence lifted one shoulder. “I work with what I’m given,” he said.

Lindsay Woods held his gaze for another beat, then nodded curtly. “Contact me tomorrow if you get another charm.”

“We’ll do that,” Zoe said as the police officer walked out the door.

After the door closed behind Woods, Zoe turned and stared at Spence. “Way to antagonize the local cops, Spence.”

He shrugged. “I intend to do my job, Zoe. You think I’m going to watch Davies get away because there are other people around? If he comes after you while you’re walking to or from work, there will always be other people around.”

“But what if he tries to distract you and someone else grabs me?” Zoe wrapped her arms around her waist. Held on tightly as anxiety rose in a rough wave inside her.

Spence shook his head slowly. “From everything you’ve told me about Davies, and everything I read, the guy’s a loner. He’s not going to bring a buddy along on his quest to claim you. There won’t be someone waiting in the wings to grab you while I engage with Davies.” He made a fist, glanced down at it and relaxed his fingers. “In the SEALs, we’re taught to take a target down quickly and decisively. Disarm and disable him. Or her. No one gets a second chance at the target.”

Zoe took a deep breath in. Blew it out. “Okay. You’re right. Ethan was always a loner in high school, and there’s no reason to think that’s changed. I trust you. I know you’ll do what you need to do.”
