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So he expanded his search. First to all of Illinois, then to the whole country. But none of the Zoe Peytons he found were his Zoe.

She must have changed her name.

So he intensified his search. He Googled women software designers, women who owned software companies, and women who taught software design, but found no trace of her.

But he would. He and Zoe belonged together. She was probably waiting for him to find her.

Leaning back in his chair, he closed his eyes and imagined their future. They’d get married, of course. Their children would be beautiful, and Zoe would be a great mom. And he’d be a good father, unlike his own father who’d disappeared before he was born.

Yes. His Zoe was waiting for him. He was sure of it.

A week later, as he worked at his computer in the middle of the night, he found her. She was Zoe Melbourne now, and she was the keynote speaker at a big computer conference. There was a picture of her on the conference’s website, and she was more beautiful than she’d been in high school.

He read her bio on the conference website over and over. She owned a company in Seattle. Melbourne Solutions. She was well-known because there weren’t many women who were acknowledged tech geniuses. It was a man’s field, but his Zoe had conquered it.

He sat back in his chair and pulled Zoe’s bracelet out of his pocket. Curled his fingers around it and pressed it to his chest. “I’ve found you, Zoe,” he whispered, staring at her picture on his computer screen. “After all these years, I’ve found you.” He pressed the bracelet against his heart. “It won’t be long now. I’ll come to Seatle, and we’ll be together at last.”
