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“Looked like it!”

He kissed the angry twist right off her lips. When he pulled back, she gasped but he kissed her again, softer this time, showing her the promise behind his action. He was going to make her understand—and get information about this Sam guy—and then he was going to take her back to her place and make her scream his name all night long.

“I missed you, baby. All I could think about was getting back to you, but the guys insisted I stop at Walker’s. It’s a tradition with us after a long exercise like this, and I hadn’t been there two minutes before you saw...”

“You kiss that woman,” she huffed.

He brushed aside a loose tendril of her hair that had caught on her tear-wet face. He ached at the thought she’d been hurt.

“No, she kissed me. Liberty is the owner and she’s been in love with my buddy Ren for a year. Neither of them will admit it, and they play games. He was in there semi-ignoring her, and she didn’t like it so she tried to make him jealous.”

Angelina snorted. “You have all the right words, don’t you?”

“Because it’s the truth. Your turn. Why were you cheating on me with that stuffy prick?”

“Sam’s a great guy—he isn’t at all stuffy.” The spark was back in her eyes and had brought reinforcements. She looked ready to storm away again, so he held her by the upper arms, refusing to let her go.

“This happened with my last girlfriend too. I wasn’t deployed two weeks before I heard she was shacked up with another private. Is that where you were headed? You didn’t make it a week.”

He knew before the words were fully out of his mouth that he’d said the wrong thing. He’d let his baggage and anger over his past wrong spew all over what he had with Angelina.

She slapped him. He took it like a man, because he deserved it. But when she raised her hand to deliver a second slap, he caught her hand and folded it into his. Looking into her eyes, he said, “Stop. Baby, this isn’t right. I’ve thought about you day and night and I don’t want things to be this way.”

Her chest heaved, and she released a silent sob.

“Jesus, baby. C’mere.” He wrapped her tightly against his chest, hating how she was trembling. But he was shaken too. He smoothed his hand over her hair and breathed in the scent of her that he’d missed so much.

“I’m not with Sam. I’m not cheating on you, Ford,” she said unevenly.

“I’m not with Liberty. We’ll go back inside and I’ll make her tell you.”

“I believe you.”

He drew back to look into her eyes. “You do?”

She nodded. “Do you believe me?”

He didn’t hesitate when he said, “I do, baby. God, I’ve missed you so much. All I want is to get you in my bed and hold you.”

“Just hold me?” Her voice held a teasing note that made his cock jerk.

“Maybe more than hold. Do you need to go back inside and talk to Liberty?” He stared into her face and brushed away her tears. He hated that he’d caused them.

“No, I believe you, Ford. Let’s go to my place.”


They didn’t make it two steps into her bedroom before he was stripping her. Tearing off her clothes and tossing them all over the place. She attacked his uniform, aware of how masculine and fucking hot he looked in it.

His muscles were big and warm, and she couldn’t get enough.

When they were nude, they fell into bed, lips meshed together in a wild kiss.

“I missed you. Need you,” he groaned between sweeping passes of his tongue.

“Take me, Ford.” She pushed her pussy against his erection.

In one smooth glide, he joined them. Then as if realizing his error and the fact he was bareback, he went still. Before he could jerk out of her again, she wrapped her legs around him and held him.
